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    So, he’s a conservative Christian, but he’s fine with ignoring Leviticus 19:28?

    Pfft, lightweight.

    I’m ok with sexy tractors...

    That’s the thing, I’m sure it’s perfectly competent, but it needs to be more than that to fight in the area they’re placing this.

    A Skoda 1000mb? Bet you can never get to a gig in one.

    That’s the thing, if I was in the market for one of these things, I’d just buy the equivalent Merc or BMW. They’ve got to do something spectacular to fight those guys and being ‘competent and a bit above average’ justisn’t enough.

    So they’ve finally worked out that nobody actually wants to drive one?

    Probably, but telling customers the number of cupholders in a vehicle is like telling them the number of clips holding the carpet in place. It’s fucking irrelevant, and not a selling point on a high ticket item.

    Basically a high number of cupholders =/= a higher quality vehicular experience.

    A valid point. My old Land Rover would spill anything placed in a cup, anyway. Leaf springs FTW!

    You could take a bottle. They have lids!

    Just how many cups can you drink from?

    I bet it was aimed at the US market. ;)

    Yeah, the general size of American cars is also compensating for *something*. They’re probably a bit better in mainland Europe, where there’s more space, but in the UK, they just look ridiculously oversized in most urban situations.

    Yeah, we share it.

    You mean you don’t just grab a drink during a pit stop then throw the cup at your pit crew?
    Rookie error.

    Well, at least it got *one* thing right.

    I dunno, as much as I love Yank cars, we Europeans also tend to think they’re garbage because American manufacturers seem to equate number of cupholders with quality.

    Hint: cars only need one cupholder, for the driver. Everyone else in the car can hold their damn cups, it’s not like they’re doing anything else.

    Or did their research, took it for a spin and found it was *fun*, regardless of the fact it wasn’t the biggest, fastest or whatever weird judgement you think makes the ‘best’ car.

    I know I did.

    Not really. Strangely, we have (in general) a far lower tolerance to for accepting drink-driving over here than the US appears to have. I mean, in the past, I’ve called the police on people that were preparing to drive after an evening in the pub, and on one occasion, wrestled keys off someone who could barely stand

    I blame me being half awake.

    Or a moron, that works, too.

    We don’t drive to bars. That would mean one person would have to stay sober.