Not to mention thinner-like substances in the leather dye, no doubt. If the paint was more or less dry before it the seats they should be ok.
Not to mention thinner-like substances in the leather dye, no doubt. If the paint was more or less dry before it the seats they should be ok.
I wouldn’t in this case. The shop owes him a trip to a detailer. Let them do the cleanup right.
I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.
I give a star in the morning. I give a star a night. I give a star in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright. I give a star, in times of peace, and one in times of war. I give a star before I give a star, and then i give one more.
alternate headline:
You must have shot the pilot though not the stewardess.
+1 joint
Damn, you win!
Here, have a star
Overt racism still not cool dude. Trump voters seem confused. Only Trump himself can be overt. The rest of you still gotta be subtle with your bigotry. Sorry guys.
Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.
Trump is smart. Bigly smart. What could the intelligence people tell him that he doesn’t already know?
Ship fuel can’t melt steel hulls.
Oh my god stop with all the fucking pearl-clutching. I’ve been watching porn since the dial-up days, and I have a perfectly healthy view of women, and a lovely wife who, wait for it, also watches porn! Sometimes we even watch it together! Stop worrying about what makes other people cum. It doesn’t concern you.
On the other hand, everything about being a teenage male creates unrealistic sexual expectations.
It’s tragic that a family lost a child. But the fault clearly lies with the person that was driving and using FaceTime simultaneously. He/She deserves punishment for what they did, and what they’ve made this family go through.
did I just see a big D*ck there? help! I can't unsee it!