That’s more like it!
That’s more like it!
Would ‘Animal corpse botherer’ would be better, or worse?
Why *do* you people like the Hamster Balancer? I mean, keeping a mammal on your head is a skill, but it’s not really worthy of making the guy President.
Though we can’t talk, we’ve got a shiny faced pig molester.
This is the Interwebs, and you can’t keep me out by building a wall!
‘Sedans’ don’t exist in the UK.
Oh yeah, they’re total image bikes, but that’s part of the reason why I like them both. I mean, I’m hardly hipster material, being a: in my 40’s, and b: physically incapable of growing a beard, but I do like the look of both of them.
I was also considering a HD883 Sportster, but the Scout looks like a much better bike…
Yeah, I think I might find I’d get bored of the Scrambler far too quickly if I bought it, it’s nice, but it’s really only an urban toy. It’s not really suited to long journeys, whereas the Scout appears well made enough to go wherever the hell you like.
The plane, the bike and the article are all things of beauty.
I was considering a Scrambler in the new year, but might take a serious look at the Scout Sixty. Of course the price jumps through the fuckin’ roof at some point over the Atlantic, but you can’t have everything.
As far as I was aware, they *do* still need hose clamps. All the braiding does is prevent potential damage by constant rubbing against other items.
Toyota MR2, if only because it sounds vaguely like ‘shit’ in French.
Also MX-5. What the hell is a Miata, anyway?
It looks like what’d happen if a Transformer had a seizure halfway through changing from a robot to a motorbike.
CTV372K was my first ex-army Land Rover. I bought it for next to nothing, stripped it down and rebuilt it. It was *perfect*. Then I wanted something comfortable, so sold it for a huge profit and bought a Range Rover.
Biggest car related mistake I ever made. Still wish I could get that truck back, but instead, I’m…
That was a purely Scottish invention, don’t try and foist it on the entire UK.
It’s like an ordinary chipmunk, but more reticulated.
“Biker RV’s” is the best description of them!
Good points: It’s like riding around in an armchair.
If I wasn’t 3906 miles away (according to Google!), this would totally persuade me to finish rebuilding my Ural combo!
Repainted in matt black, that thing would be just awesome. The zombie theme is lame as a lame thing that’s quite lame though.