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    - Check oil and water levels.
    - Fit new battery.
    - Spray EZ Start in air intake.
    - Turn ignition key until it starts.

    For reference, the bike I’m choosing to learn to ride (again!) on is a 1959 BSA Bantam 125cc. Yeah, glutton for punishment.

    Interesting, thanks. Must admit, I’ve based my thoughts on the basic 500 Bullet, which I found a bit lacking at the top end, rather than the GT. The Bonnie and Sportster will both happily do 70mph though. I’m not actually looking for a screamer, part of the deal of the other half allowing me to get a bike is that it

    I’ve had many bikes over the last 20-odd years, but non in the last few years (until last year), but I’m now finally doing it legally and getting my licence. I’ve got multiple cars, and so it’s basically going to be a toy.

    I’m actually in the market for a bike in the near future, and it’s a lovely looking thing, but the lack of power is just too much of an issue for me. Yes, it’s a fun little city bike, but it lacks the oomph to do much more than 50mph comfortably. If they knocked out a 750 twin or higher, I’d be kicking their showroom

    If they’d put a 12 pot under the load cover, I’d be all over it, but it’s just cosmetic. Nicely done, but no.

    Seemed to have quite a high compression rating though, or at least it felt that way when I tried starting one. NP though, regardless.

    Tbh, having had other naked bikes in the past, if I want to do 70mph+ on a long trip, I’ll take the car. My bikes are generally for cruising along minor roads, 50-60mph mainly, so the lack of anything over 80mph isn’t an issue.

    I used to have one, (‘88 2.0l from memory) and I wouldn’t say it was slow, but it was a very relaxed and sedate ride. If you did put your foot down it would accelerate pretty well for the age and weight of the thing, but it was more the fact you felt detached from such tedious things as wind noise and the road

    I have no idea how I got the information,, but when I was at school I found out that if you mix brake fluid and potassium permanganate, you got spontaneous combustion, combined with purple smoke and flames. I stole so much permanganate from school they started locking it away after a while.

    I think you have a massively different riding culture over there, and personally I think the 883 suits riding here more. I mean, there is pretty much nowhere in the country that you’d be able to drive more than twenty miles or so without a petrol station for example, unless you were totally in the wilds of Scotland.

    Go on the, I’ll bite. I’m actually in the market for a ‘budget’ Harley, at the moment, either an Iron 883 or a Forty Eight. What’s wrong with the 883?

    I’m actually going to take HD up on this offer (I’m over here in the UK) and see what it’s like. I like the look of both, but just wondered what your thoughts were?

    Don’t be ridiculous, no one over here ever watched Baywatch beyond the title sequence.

    Also, we learned everything we know about Milwaukee from Alice Cooper on Wayne’s World.

    One of the most impressive sights I’ve ever seen was when walking along a ridge in the Lake District, only to look to one side and peer down on a pair of Harriers speeding past.
    It’s kind of strange to be able to look *down* on a jet and see the pilot, and I could have sworn one of them was waving at me as they shot

    Not with your mouth full, I hope, that’s just rude.


    “Complete with Gamestop exclusive broken glass texture pack”

    Yeah, that’s when they’re not being confiscated and threatened with being crushed!

    I’m a vintage Land Rover guy at heart, so have too many projects already, I just want (another) fun toy, not something else that will sit in the garage in parts for 5 years!