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    Yeah, the cost’s the thing, they’re way more common on your side of the pond than mine, so they’re very expensive. I’m struggling to find anything under $10k equivalent that a: I like the look of, anf b: is any good. (Relatively speaking, I know it’s a Harley!)

    Possibly on your side on the pond, but they’re far more common in the UK. Early 80’s R80/R100’s (best equivalent) can be picked up for a couple of thousand dollars. $5k would get you a really nice one.

    Oh yeah, the boxer engine is nigh on indestructible, but because of that, they’re just not worth as much. I mean, I’ve got a ‘75 Ural, which is basically the same engine as a 1930’s Beemer, and now it’s not got USSR-era cardboard carbs on it, is surprisingly reliable. Well, it would be it it wasn’t in bits at the

    Will that Beemer still be worth nearly $7k when it’s nearly 35 years old? Unlikely.
    You’re paying for the rarity value of a very clean unmolested example of an already fairly rare bike, so I’m going with NP on this one.

    It was more that someone actually went to the effort of converting a standard car into a pickup-alike ‘because pickup!’ that just hammers home the American love affair with them.

    No hate on my part, it was a genuine question. We just don’t have the same pickup love/culture over here in the UK. It’s not that there aren’t any, there are, but businesses and contractors etc tend to buy/use vans and trailers more than pickups, and people generally go for something that can carry more than two

    Obviously I can understand certain people’s *need* to have a pickup, but that doesn’t go anywhere near giving an answer to the sheer number of them in the US, or the culture of them as a whole. It was a genuine question, not a snark.

    I’ve got stupid hobbies, and need to move motorcycles etc, but just fit a towbar and use a trailer. Admittedly, it’s a tow bar on a vintage Land rover, which could theoretically be turned into a pickup by taking the top off, but still, I use a trailer, it’s just less hassle.

    I actually like it, so voted NP, but could someone explain to me, an Englishman (So feel free to use the longest words you know..) what provides the background to America’s obsession with the pickup?

    Do you all spend all your spare time transporting *really tall things* around for fun, or am I missing something?

    Yeah, this.

    Any chance if we’ve been verified on one Kinja, we can be out of the greys on all of ‘em?

    It’s really going to take a step change in battery tech for any of these to become viable at a production level. It’s all well and good building the rest of the bike, but without the range, it’s just a pretty garage ornament, or track day toy. And there are lots of those out there already.

    CP. And, much like every old VW on the planet, it’s a wildly over-valued piece of crap. Not to mention all that bare OSB that just makes it look amateurish and badly made.

    Just for the record, over here we call these suspenders:

    ...where it also stores moisture and shit underneath, thus hastening the demise of your truck.

    Can’t beat a good gun holder!

    No. Fastest I had one was 55mph, and that was terrifying.

    It has no legitimate place on any Land Rover. Ever.

    Oh my god, which chimp allowed someone to install chequerplate in a military Land Rover?

    I’m surprised how rough a state it’s in, tbh. My ex-mil Lwt is in better condition!

    *Edit* someone take me out of the greys, old Land Rovers are about the only thing I know about!