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    Crack pipe. One of the worst driving vehicles ever invented. Pretty sure the French only built them to torture other nations.

    Yeah, those self-combusting Ferraris are totally low end too. Bad design/cost saving is the same at whatever level you’re buying at.

    Much as I love ‘em, I’m yet to see a supermoto on the road that wasn’t being ridden like a twat.

    Great article. I’ve seen the photo before, but here in the UK, we never really got the back story to it as the seeds of the US media backlash against bikers.

    Everyone complains about people talking Welsh. They only do it to annoy the tourists.

    Formula One. A sport which is artificially hamstrung to the point of idiocy. It used to be about pushing the extremes of automotive technology, now it’s mainly just about exploiting rules that are imposed by a group composed of a midget despot, his hangers on, and Ferrari.

    “Oh, what can we do to make it more exciting?

    Nice truck. I’m enjoying reading your experiences, bodges and all, we’ve all been there.


    I just tried that, and the door opened.

    Everything is on the wrong side

    I’ll give you point 1. Most people who buy Ferrari clothing don’t own them for start.

    There is absolutely no difference between the pricks that buy H-D branded clothing, and the pricks that buy Ferrari/VW/BMW/etc branded clothing.

    It’s hard on a PC, too, unless you continually upgrade every year or so, due to the pointless graphics arms race endemic in PC gaming.

    I’ve been a H-D ridiculer for 20-odd years, mainly as I equated Harleys with big ol’ fat things with armchair seats, stereos, and leather handbags attached to the sides, but now I find I’m having to eat my words a little.

    As I’m now doing the born-again biker thing, I’m looking for a decent, big first(ish) bike, and

    Coupla bolts and some wiring on mine, but it’s a ‘73 model and hasn’t got the optional driven sidecar wheel.

    It not just on the outside though. It still surprises me that for something that was meant to be rugged and durable, they didn’t bother to pump the insides of the chassis with any kind of rust inhibitor. Once moisture gets into the box section, it just eats itself away from the inside. That and having lots of handy

    Speaking as one, Land Rover owners. You either know what you’re getting yourself into (Frequent maintenance, oily weekends lying on your back in a garage, swearing at inanimate objects, etc etc), before you start, or you don’t stay a Land Rover owner for long, so we’ve only got ourselves to blame. Similarly, if you

    looks like PT Cruiser on steroids. That’s a bad thing.

    This one:

    Can’t you tell from my username? It’s as English as our Queen.