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    Damn those carnie strongmen, for hunting those poor defenceless leapords to extinction.

    To say it’s come from Sweden, they don’t seem to have thought about snow, which I imagine would just get sucked up into it, like a big snow blower.

    But without the blowy bit, obviously.

    something something ‘getting a pounding’ something.

    I’d feel really sorry for any girl that had to sit on that luggage rack.

    Personally, I don’t enjoy haemorrhaging money to a stealership for the privilege of that ‘new car smell’ and sod all else. Pretty much every car I’ve ever bought, I’ve at least broken even on, if not made a profit.

    But then I enjoy owning cars.

    It won’t be ivory, that’s second hand.

    Please don’t be an MMO. *Please* don’t be an MMO.

    Could be worse. Could look like a Miata.

    Rookie mistake for me, (1959 BSA Bantam!) I switched off the fuel tap, and ran it until it drained the carb before putting it to bed. When I came to get it running again last month, it’d run for about 2 minutes and then die. turns out, leaving the carb dry means that a bunch of white, crusty oxide crap formed in

    Meh. Fuck ‘em. Gumball is just showboating for wankers.

    Wow, radio stations. How very 1950’s.

    Sounds like you guys need an organisation. You could call it the NLRA. Then you can get ol’ Chuck Heston to decry that the government can take his Land Rovers from his cold, oily hands.

    When they can get them started, that is.

    *Edit* still in grey? Damnit.

    How about when I was a dick to a celebrity who’s known for being a dick? I was at a large outdoor rock/metal festival a few years back, (a bunch of us had got backstage passes as we knew some guys on security). We ended up spending most of it at the backstage bar, which was pretty busy by mid-afternoon, so getting

    In the UK, you’re limited to 125cc unless accompanied by an instructor, so I’ve gone with this 1959 beauty:

    Cheap and used, you say? Here’s my current learner bike:

    Protip: replace those crappy low-profile alloys with some nice knobbly tyres on steelies and you can make air on speedbumps.

    Um, allegedly.

    Sounds like Kenya. The ‘roads’ are pretty much more pothole than tarmac, apart from the bits the Chinese have built, which are fantastic. At least at the moment, give it a few years, and most of them will have eroded due to all the 50+ year old trucks pounding on them 24 hours a day.

    Yeah, we’re all metrosexual over here, darling.

    It’s actually just got a single v8 floating around in there. I’m tempted to buy it. Wonder how much RR Merlin engines stretch to, these days?

    Well, if we’re being size queens about all this: