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    Confession time: I eat paper, and quite like it. Mainly photocopier paper, or newspaper, but I also leave the wrappers on Starburst when I eat them.

    Which is fine, but their contracts ended at the end of the current season, anyway. All they had to do was not take up new ones with the BBC, and then reform to create ‘Gop Tear’ or whatever it’s going to be called. As the BBC didn’t cancel Clarkson’s contract, any clauses are still valid, including the alleged one

    I take it the people who want this Sound enhancement crap never thought about just opening the damn windows?

    Now, if only they could ban dogshit and arsehole Parisians, they'd be sorted.

    I'm going with literal interpretations.

    Try setting a chicken on fire. It looks *just* like that.

    Um, allegedly.

    What he really needs to do is retire, move to Hawaii, and use his Lambo to solve crimes. We could film it and make a TV series.

    If you don't have driving shoes, you're not Lotusing correctly.

    I've got two Ural combos, must try this.

    ...If only I could get any of them to start. :/

    "Cool? Where we're going, we don't need cool!"

    That is one fugly bodykit.

    The irony of the whole thing is that the Daily Heil is a racist piece of crap that doesn't even attempt to be an actual newspaper, covering news at all.

    Just as a point of reference, the TG team were told by the BBC that they had to present the what happened at the end in a purely factual manner, hence the rather dry, serious tone. Fair enough it was very serious, so they weren't going to make it into a laugh-a-minute, but they weren't allowed to put in any of the

    Man, I miss my 125cc engined C90. It got trampled to death by cows :(

    Into the car in front, presumably?

    A quick thought to the people saying it won't affect traffic: I'm in England, where Lane splitting (in slow moving/stopped traffic) is legal. After changing jobs to one where the commute took me the best part of 45 minutes, I went out and bought a motorbike, as now I can get to work in 15-20. If even 10% of car

    That car will be a burnt out shell by now. Thieves don't use their own cars!

    Man, the budget for the new series of The Dukes of Hazzard is just insane.

    Rescue them from being used and enjoyed by the people that own and maintain them? How sad it would be for the cars to sit in a climate controlled garage for ever, only to be towed to tedious concourse competitions by pretentious pricks that are too precious to get their investments dirty.