Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

I am guessing that male critics criticized her because female directors weren’t funny and didn’t understand comedy, before comedy films even existed

AND that dusty ass looking dude throwing up the White Power signs. 

I don’t know who the fuck ungreyed your racist ass, but I’ve walked into the wrong apartment once before, while distracted, thinking it was mine. You know what I did? Saw a table that wasn’t mine, someone I didn’t know, and said: “Oh, fuck, my bad” and walked out. Here’s a thought that never once crossed my mind: “I

Yet, none of the other neighbors managed to shoot the rightful owners of their mixed-up apartments. Cops aren’t necessarily bad, but Amber Guyger isn't one of the "good apples."

To me if her tears are genuine or not doesn’t matter. She can be genuinely remorseful and feel guilty as fuck that doesnt change whether she is guilty in the eyes of the law. She shot a man in his own home. 

Crocodile tears. She likely was hoping that her buddies would help her cover this up, as they first started to. I don’t think she tried to help him one bit after she shot him. She was probably worried about covering her own ass. The hell with her tears. She can feel bad and hate herself from inside a jail cell for the

Well now you’re just being an ass. Your last response implies that he was being a baby? His livelihood was possibly ripped away from him in that moment. Best case scenario he has to go through a brutal rehab process just to get back to playing a violent game, and this will be the second year in a row he’s had to do

You are doing exactly what I said you would... “well then the NEXT guy...” Yeah, the next guy that throws his helmet because of a season ending injury also doesn’t get penalized. The guy that does it because he’s mad at the ref, or angry at another player, or celebrating a touchdown? He gets a penalty. Pretty simple. 

The unsportsmanlike conduct rule states:

This bit about the design of the game. I love playing rugby and back it all day, but if I have one more person say “take away football players helmets and guys won’t lead with their heads.” Bullshit. Helmets were added because people were fucking dying, because, unlike rugby, one extra yard regularly makes a big

Unless you have hiv and are planning on fucking the entire public, no, you have no “duty” to tell “the public” or “whomever” shit if you have hiv. Yes, you tell partners. No one else is entitled to know a goddamned thing.

The British tabloid press continues to be one moral step below guys who sell fake insulin but the real story here is how rugby union has managed to be the most progressive “tough guy” sport on the planet.

This is what I don’t understand. Why are people so sold on Tua? His accuracy and numbers are through the roof because he has 4 first-rounders at wideout. They are so open I can hit them. In the 3 games in which Tua played against elite competition (LSU, Georgia and Clemson) his numbers plummeted. Plus he appears to be

I was due.

Those who consider “social justice warrior” to be an insult are not a crowd level-headed people want to be associated with. Check yourself on that too.

Alexi Lalas stuck in an impossible-to-defend position? what are the fucking odds

Out of respect, all local Taco Bells have ordered their flags to be flown at half más

Harbaugh has talked about an ideal system where players would be allowed to switch schools once without any penalty.

Guys? I think we need to look out for Sam. That’s just brutal.

Your condoms have chinstraps? Kudos to you, big guy!