Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

The “Source” the athletic quoted doesn’t seem to understand how liability works. The NFL has a policy which is supposed to increase safety. If they knowingly violate that policy and allow a player to use old, unapproved, equipment that does not meet the policy and the player gets hurt, that’s when “the liability will

A new Union? Covering all baseball players? Huh?

Uh, actually yes, fuck anyone who supports Trump. I’m..a bit surprised that requires any kind of clarification.

19,000 fans who could have gone on to celebrate life by watching young, unpaid men destroy their brains for entertainment.

In fairness, if you can read that billboard, you don’t live in Alabama.

I’ll never understand how people who make such a big deal about criminalizing abortion can turn a blind eye to people who are actually alive.

Clemson just put up a billboard with 19,001.

19,000 fewer Alabama fans? Good. Save some sexy cousins for the rest of us. 

Ben, my tiny, tiny dude. “Just behind Brandon Jennings, and ahead of Jared Dudley” isn’t doing the work you think it’s doing.

I can’t keep doing this with you, OBG!

Concussing the other catcher? That’s a plunking.

Other former white Bronco owners include....

Suarez deserves all the bile in the world, except for that handball. I’ll never understand the hatred he gets for it, except that he did it to poor little Ghana. It’s an intentional foul and was punished according to the rules. What’s the problem? It’s like a DB holding a WR on a potential game-tying TD and getting

He’s Irish traveler, not Anglo-Saxon or Romany. His grandparents are from Galway. Jesus Christ this isn’t hard. AND HE’S CATHOLIC


A kid dies on this guy's watch and Maryland is somehow debating whether to put this man in charge of kids again.  What the fuck is wrong with the world?  

This is why I love the purity of college football. In the NFL, this is a big deal, but in the NCAA, kneeling isn’t allowed to become a distraction.

Question; Is Thibs a good coach? I don’t follow basketball, but every article here seems to paint him as a defensive minded coach who runs players into the ground.  

At least he was able to fulfill his childhood dream of being a conductor on a train.

Way to fuck up the Browns draft position, Mayfield.