Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

You are using the “No True Scotsman” fallacy on race. And since race is some made-up shit you can sorta get away with it. But I tell you, if my daughters are black enough to get a heaping dose of racism, they are black enough to be black.

Seems like Markle is not black enough for you to defend her, and not white enough

Also worth pointing out that HES NEVER MET THE ROYAL FAMILY. The ridiculous lengths they go to make them look bad. Hey lets get the dad she doesnt talk to, who hasnt met the royal family, to say they arent racist.

Yeah, I’m sure her racist white father is THE end-all, be-all determiner for whether or not Meghan has faced racism. Because old white men have shown that THEY and ONLY THEY know racism when they pretend they don’t see it.

There is nothing more pressed than a white woman who thinks she’s owed something. Harry was supposed to marry a white woman, the British tabloids were trying to hint of something, anything between Harry and Pippa for a hot minute after William and Kate’s marriage. They never would have let Harry and Meghan live while

I have a theory regarding Meghan’s so-called “bullying” of the staff: Meghan had and showed them boundaries.

Tut tut Young Pharaoh. 

That was my reading too. His years of being more powerful than the Governor and having players with less power than prison inmates as a college football coach led him to believe he could still do anything he wanted and ride roughshod over whoever complained. Welcome to a much bigger pond, fish.

In the words of the late, great Chuck Daly “They will let you coach them.” Urban Meyer just got his first lesson about life in The NFL, they don’t have to listen to you. He also got his second lesson, the press isn’t going to go out of their way to kiss your ass just because you’re the head coach. It is a good thing

I hear you, but you really shouldn’t be doing that shit.

Nice to see a good news story, but also shows how much of a difference proper MH support and substance abuse treatment makes for people’s lives. Probably way cheaper than cycling them in and out of jail too.

For those who are interested, George Washington University is tracking the legal consequences faced by these terrorists. I like watching the “# Individuals Charged” number climb.

As much as I hate pulling a misogynist asshat out of the greys,

While this is not popular, I am contractually obligated to point out that Kobe raped a woman, and the world would be a slightly better place if every story about Kobe at least mentioned that in passing.

I like how he was yelling “none of you want to try it!  none of you want to try it!” and then was proven quite wrong indeed.

Don’t disrespect K-Mart like that. They are actually useful and you can get stuff there that can help you.

In 1989, my mother and my 3 year-old-self were caught crossing the border near Tijuana. We were leaving El Salvador where the American caused Civil War convinced my mom to finally leave. My mom and I were put in a detention center, TOGETHER, for 2 days. We applied for asylum as refugees of war and were permitted to

I mean, he’s not entirely wrong about the underlying situation, in that food deserts are a thing, and when fast food and convenience stores are your only nearby options, that doesn’t encourage healthy eating. The problem is that he’s just phrasing the issue with what are frankly racist or borderline racist tropes.

I wouldn't mess with that wiry old buzzard.

The plotters, according to an FBI affidavit, seemed to be motivated by their belief that state governments, including Michigan’s, were violating the Constitution. One of those involved complained in June that Whitmer (D) was controlling the opening of gyms

Look, Haskins might not be the biggest problem in Washington, but let’s not act like he’s the solution either. He’s been bad. Like, really bad. The organizational and personnel concerns are valid, and of course there is probably some element of racism baked in (this is D.C. we’re talking about, after all, and the NFL