Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Sorry Dad,

You’re just not hip anymore.

Can we all agree that “good guy with a gun” NRA narrative doesn’t include Black people. I am so sorry for Jemel Roberson’s family. Another example of our legal system not holding police to account.

She has a MASSIVE war chest and it’s still not going to help her come back from 12 down

Espy is within 1 in Alabama. Harrison is statistically tied. Bullock is within 2. Warnock is in a THREE-way tie.

Alabama, South Carolina, Montana, Georgia.

That’s how you flip a chamber: make the bad guys play defense on their home

Instead they have decided to rename it the “Courage in Government” award, and have awarded it to themselves.

*clears throat

I’m sorry, that’s much more satisfying than the usual high road stuff that victims of racial attacks say. Not trying to pray for a damn Nazi, hell no.

I was fully expecting a “they did nothing wrong” result from the trials, but I really didn’t expect “you did do something wrong, but only when you misfired into the white people’s houses” thing. Like...there’s the system failing, and there’s the system taking a long piss onto everyone’s faces.

Those are refrigerated shelves, you can see chilled sandwiches. UK stores pretty much always refrigerate sandwiches.

Yeah absolutely this. Also, you can’t regulate competing bodies the way motorsports regulates cars. A machine can be assured to be built within tolerances X, Y, and Z. Humans? We all have different hormonal profiles, limb length, body fat distribution, and more. You can’t judge who goes in what sport category by any

I should mention right now: If you’re gonna come at me with some baseless hearsay about Ms. Semenya’s genitals, I will immediately report and dismiss you. And I encourage others to do the same.

Thanks for the clarification. I forgot the exact distances involved.

Dear people: Semenya is a woman, full stop.  Discussion on that isn’t welcome here (and hell the posted comment didn’t even reflect a true fact).

Agree with you on all points but just thought I’d make a small correction. The rule does apply to the mile as it applies to all races from the 400m to the mile.

That point number 3 is so, so vital. This isn’t about fixing a blind spot in the rules, or addressing a novel situation, or clarifying a commitment to fairness. It’s about stomping on the fingers of a Black woman who was trying to hold too much gold for these assholes.

1) Caster Semenya is a woman.

I have been a Union representative and have NEVER seen arbitration so heavily favor my coworkers as much as these toothless police arbitrators love criminal cops. Those police “union in name only” thug collecives must be keeping the arbitrators up to their eyeballs in PBA cards and uncut cop cocaine or blackmailing

Their contract probably allows a certain amount of egregious racism per year, and you can probably donate your extra racism to another cop who was just a little more egregious. If you don’t get caught doing racist stuff, you can cash out the unused amount at the end of the year

What’s the over under on the shooter being a right wing dipshit trying to start a race war?

That’s not for us to judge. Feeling abused is relative.

Already there’s racist greys showing their asses. Apparently, Black people showing the appropriate emotion after being harmed makes us unworthy of humanity. This coming from the same people who will gleefully watch a French Canadian beat the brakes off of an Eastern European during an NHL hockey game for accidentally t