Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Hazing: gang initiation for rich white kids.

Is this really the world we want to live in, where we scour through people’s social media posts to find something questionable they said TWO DAYS AGO to destroy their careers?  Honestly, who even cares what a school superintendent said when he was only 53 years and 263 days old?  How do you know he isn’t a completely

“When you need precision racism, you can always count on a middle-aged white bumpkin.”

Good thing this guy isn’t in a position to influence young children! 

They are both weird penises

Getting two extra bases because somebody else doesn’t know what’s going on is great in baseball. It’s not so good in any other context.

Unless he knows how to build a pitching staff, they're still going to suck.

Let me guess: the fucking Patriots are going to get him for a song.

As a fan of a team who has had a franchise QB my entire life (What’s up Bledsoe! What’s up Brady!), it is absolutely baffling why these teams don’t try to improve at the position. They’re your leading playmaker! If you have a guy who is good for a Pro Bowl every few years then you are almost certain to win the close

The Vikings just picked up an incredibly accurate kicker, you say? Why do I think that’s going to turn out exactly the same way it has multiple times over the course of that particular franchise’s history?

I hate this team and I hate myself even more for continually supporting this team.  Every fucking year I hear other dumb ass Browns fans go “THIS YEAR IS GONNA BE DIFFERENT” and it never is.  The Indians just wrapped up another division title (yes, I know, the AL Central sucks ass, I don’t care) and Lebron lead the

Be honest, man. You’re rooting for the school. You didn’t care about one of those kids before they put on the uniform. Likewise you didn’t suddenly lose respect for a kid just because he went to the wrong school. If I wore an OSU uniform, you’d root for me too. And I’m terrible. 

Keep telling yourself whatever you need to.

“damn girl, i’d love to come over and show you my undying and total respect for TitleIX, watchu up to?”

No matter how deep he digs himself, it won’t matter. Nothing he can say at this point will get him fired, he wins at football and no one in power cares about anything else.

1 if by run, pick 6 if by air.

I don’t condone greed, but I also am not one who thinks it’s my job to tell Jeff Bezos what to do with his money.

“Great Moments in Poop History” eventually just became “Long, Boring & Fake Stories About Pooping”

The offensive line statistically played worse than Peterman.

If I can do something that cool when I’m wearing pants that high, I’ll know I’ve lived my best life.