Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

“Today’s Titans-Dolphins game, currently in its second weather delay, sounds like absolute hell for any fans in attendance”

Nathan Peterman is the name of the kid who wasn’t cool enough for chess club.

I get it. Tom Brady is the man’s best friend.

The first solution should be NFL players getting together and forming some sort of union. They could call it something like the NFL Players Association, and use it to represent them collectively in setting terms with owners. This current system where they just let owners run wild all over them just won’t cut it!

Do not worry, Celtics fans. His lawyer is on the way.

Go to hell, you fucking mutant. Jesus Christ, this is what the world has come to, we have this entire city of illiterate, human colostomy bags coming out of the woodwork like winning one Superbowl validates the fucking terrible life that preceded it and will follow.

Can’t catch though, can he? Bad look for a fancy dog.

Big Stick Fetches Better Than Fancy Dog

How the fuck was Tom Brady supposed to catch that?  That throw’s gotta be at mouth level.

Because every day spent in court is one less day spent getting the shit kicked out of him in prison.

With that being said, the disrespect has been well noted and will not be forgotten.

This is this dude’s first-ever post lol

This is baseball. Per protocol, he will hit with a pitch on his backside next time they play. 

Well that was a deflating reply.

So make one then, instead of just indicating where a joke might be. Jesus.

After that collision Phillips may be a flathead. 

The Buffalo Bills are an act of domestic terrorism.

NFL just ruled it’s not a catch

“It ain’t me, it ain’t me. I ain’t no military son, son.” - fortunate Son