Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Save the template for when Syndegaard contracts polio and is traded to the Giants 

John Deeres only go so fast...

Well at least they were doing that instead of beating their wives.

I feel like it should be a law that any time Jared Kushner’s father is referenced, the article must also mention that he partially went to jail because he sent his sister a tape showing her husband, William Schulder. Wirh a prostitute hired by Charles Kushner in a scheme to discredit his brother-in-law, who was

“We’ve been to many sporting events together, not just N.B.A. events. We’ve been to Mets games together. We took the subway. He really raves about the hot dogs.”

When I was in college, if someone had offered me $2500 for some free shoes I’d received, no question I would have sold them. Any high-horse moralizing from the peanut gallery is pure hypocrisy.

I imagine that they thought they would get away with it because a lot of collegiate football players get away with stuff all the time.

They got $2500 and and a few games off. I think that’s called a paid vacation

My favorite part is the staggering the suspensions. What a crock of shit.

“I’m an Instagram Influencer and my husband is a chalk artist. Our budget is $1.5 million” - This week on House Hunters. 

Fire extinguishers can be dangerous, especially when tampa’d with.

A Dangerfield getting disrespected? Typical

Good God, they completely forgot to include language banning anybody from taking a knee during the ceremony. It’s a fiasco waiting to happen.

This is outrageous! The pizza papa is a part of our history, and they’re wiping our history off of buildings to appease people offended by his use of racial slurs. What’s next? Removing statues of people who were in open rebellion of the United States over the issue of owning people?

Hi Black Conservative I know that you’ve been trolling this site and others looking to validate your insecurities as a black man,  I mean alleged black man,  but this ain’t the day & I’m not the one. There is so much wrong in this statement to explain it to you and simple minded Sambo’s like you would be a waste of

What the fuck? His request was reasonable, they could have held him in place till the warrant was retrieved.

Such a one-sided article, too. “Wanted on several warrants” makes it sound like he’s a mass murderer instead of a trespasser. “Resisted...ignored the taser, kept resisting”. Basically says ,“if you resist, you deserve to die, whether your arrest is legitimate or not.”

It’s fucking ridiculous the number of times I’ve heard white people say, “Black people need to pull their pants up and get an education and stop having kids and stop committing crimes” and I’m like “You’re literally speaking to a black man who’s a college-educated, child-free full-time manager at a nonprofit, and I

On the one hand, fuck the NFL for making games more and more unwatchable every year. We didn’t know what a legal catch was, and now we’re not going to know what a legal tackle is, and more importantly the players won’t know that either. But on the OTHER hand, fuck the people who yearn for the halcyon days of players

If he was a man of integrity, he wouldn’t have taken the HUD job to start with. Too many lives are affected by this department to have some dude with no experience other than “he black” to be put in charge.