Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Perhaps Cris Carter should have elaborated further when he said get a “fall guy”, he meant a fall guy that wasn’t so easily traced back to you.

So these guys got into the house without force and demanded specific items instead of just robbing the victim? Yea this isn't Shady at all....

Please don’t make me explain the joke.


“I use the word ‘faggot’ to call people ‘retards,’”

Fucking yes dude, gross.

I recognize that I am not qualified to speak on this case or the larger issue of domestic violence. So I won’t. Hope everyone has a great day.

Why do you hate the military and America?

Plenty of reasons. He may have just been too distraught to add carrying his mother’s cremains to his misery. Maybe he didn’t want to be caught in a situation where they pull him aside at security and go through his stuff in public. It could even be that he was flying coach and a guy that big habitually never brings a

Right?!? My name ain’t Checky Leanne Francis!”

Such a shame. This should’ve been...

The doctor they are accusing of these acts committed suicide 13 years ago,

You don’t. You can put more robust revenue-sharing mechanisms in, and you can still negotiate max contracts to prevent the Lakers from offering the top free agents $60M/yr every summer, but artificially depressing what the players are paid so that some dipshit hedge fund billionaire doesn’t bankrupt himself playing

That assumes that one of the responsibilities of a sports league is to put their thumb on the scale.

There’s an NBA franchise in Charlotte? I will write that down.

England is no longer England. They are something else. Possibly China. We will keep you updated as the story develops.  

My uncle has an MBA and a doctorate in “leadership.” As anyone who has had a conversation with the man can attest, one thing is true: if the MBAs don’t kill us, they’ll get us to kill ourselves if only to be spared hearing them talk more. 

I never really know what to say about people who die while voluntarily doing things where death is a definite possibility for kicks.

Cause of Death: Bonks

They may have loved nature, but they very clearly did not respect it