Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Usually it’s just Dana White telling whatever microphone is closest that the fighter is being a pussy. 

It must devastate Tim Tebow to not be the holiest player in minor league baseball.

In fairness, Allen did put both his hands up in the air, which is the universal sign for “I didn’t do anything! No, I sure didn’t. I was just minding my own business. Why are you even looking at me like that? You’re making me feel like I did something wrong! Hey, I’m the victim here!” So it seems open and shut that

This guy was the most Utah Jazz player in the world a solid 2 years before they even drafted him

god’s going to need to flatten some shit out for that to happen.

Sure, the race has changed, but the one constant is that somebody will get all huffy about something or other.

The only thing more England than being England immediately is tricking people into thinking you might not be England and then being England

Great, thanks Lauren. You could have buried that travesty down under some pictures of exploded hands before I had to see that.

Express yourself,

am i wrong in assuming most all-lives-matter folk aren’t soccer fans?

Because England is not Great Britian?

“Tell me something I don’t know.” - Average Deadspin Reader, Attorney at Law

If his hairstyle is any indicator, he’s well-practiced in ignoring reality.

I’m no math major—nor, clearly, are these lawyers—but I think “a minimum of 1,500/2,000” is better termed “a minimum of 1,500.”

So you are telling me a right winger is ignoring the facts in front of him to believe his own version of reality? Totally unexpected, dude.

Is this the new way to announce a Senate bid?

No Spanish or Portuguese-speaking teams in a game dramatically reduces the number of embellishment incidents.

Yes, in F1 they prefer you have some skill and planning for your overtaking maneuvers and not act like the fat asshole in the buffet line. 

According to NASCAR’s current rules, this move is only allowed on the third Wednesday of every month between the 3rd and 6th phase of the race, assuming each car has a margin of 2 degrees or less between their spoiler angles and a thickness deviantion of .07mm in their restrictor plates respectively, 1.7 for Toyotas.

Hopefully when he’s ready to retire at 50 we can get him over to MLS