Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

If Boogie averaged 27 and 10 while not playing hard, then the trade is upgraded from “highway robbery” to “actually absconding with an entire damn highway.”

As usual, you have missed the point. No one (except Redford) is angry about this. No one is saying it’s bad for Cousins. They’re just enjoying the hell out of mocking the Kings for making a phenomenally weak deal.


Alternative headline: NBA 2k17 Vlade Divac Unrealistically Intelligent

Never underestimate the stupidity of pro sports front offices.

The Spurs could probably have made up 4 foreign-sounding names and traded their draft rights for Boogie on reputation alone.

Now, tell me again—was it this man with an 8-figure net worth who hit you, or his broke-on-paper friend?

The team owned by the young tech billionaire was just fleeced by an 89-year-old used car salesman from San Antonio who is suffering from dementia.

2 misfortunes? It’s possible. 3 misfortunes? There’s an outside chance. But 5 misfortunes? Ha, I’d like to see that!

Maybe if draymon, klay, steph, and KD are all at the same orgy and contract gonosyphiherpeloids at the same time. Shit’s serious bro. They’d have to miss at least 5 games.

Maybe. If the Warriors plane crashes over the Rocky Mountains, sure.

“Sorry big guy, but we’ve got a lot of money already tied up in Solomon Hill futures. You understand.”

Great move. Southerners love Cousins!

Somewhat related:

2006 Tigers pitching staff.

The problem is the Red Sox are in Ft. Meyers, FL and not Jupiter, which has a much stronger gravitational pull. He was over-correcting.

God, remember back when we all thought she was just the battiest goddamned thing to ever come out of politics, and how it was amazing someone that unprepared for office was anywhere even near the presidency?

I’m listening....

… isn’t he the only R in congress promising committee hearings into the Russian connections…

I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but