Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Can do it in one word: alcohol

This game exemplifies why referees from small leagues shouldn't work World Cup knockout games. He lost control and it was an utter joke. 

In certain circumstances it is not a choice as legal termination may be out of the question.

Not for some people. Anyway the whole point of my reply was to point out the absurdity of your statement. Quibbling over the nature of an affirmative choice misses the point. 

So if the baby's not planned you'd be in favour of protected rankings?

By all accounts Khazri was a bright spark in that Sunderland side when he was picked. So I’m not sure if you can say that he disappointed in his performances. Although of course the team that he was part of was one of the worst Premier League sides of the past decade, so there is that.


Ok I’m not from the US and my experience in the law at play here is thus limited. But workers comp would I believe only cover the actual employer. So suing the league and the arena owners would get around it.

It wasn’t aggressive; it was cowardly.

It was, back in 1997.

I think Maeve’s new storyline was to escape and infiltrate the outside world. By returning to look for her kid she’s broken with any storyline and is now purely motivated by her own free will.

She owns all porpoises too.

Title IX does not figure into the pay debate.

I think looking at it from an entertainment or profit standpoint is very American. It’s also not how the vast majority of the world views things. Traditionally they look for the best team.

Deffo not a Bristol City kit. If I had to guess him and his mates went to the darts in fancy dress wearing full kits and consumed much alcohol.

I hadn’t heard about the Rhinos. Shame. I’ve got a few friends who used to play for their youth teams; they seemed like a proper club which was deeply embedded in the local community.

Probably up there in all seriousness. We’ve not been in the top division since 1980 and the last time we put a top team out of a cup was Liverpool in 1994. Our last league cup semi final was in 1989. To beat Man Utd in a newly developed stadium that’s completely full is quite something. Hopefully we kick on and get

As the resident Bristol City fan I’ll just say that I’m drunk and delirious and have only just recovered from a point of near tears. Couldn’t be there tonight but loving every minute. Fantastic Christmas present and a great performance to boot.

In rugby league you have England’s super league which includes French teams and the level below it includes a team from Toronto. There are also plans to add a couple of US teams. But yeah it’s a pretty rare thing, wiki tells me that if you don’t count Australia and New Zealand’s symbiotic sporting relationship the

Nah I doubt it. The SNP really tried to push that angle but it alienated all Brexit voting pro-independence Scots and they lost ground in the last election. Although if we do leave and everything goes to the dogs there’ll definitely be a mandate for another referendum on independence