Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

It’s not the first time the rules been put into use. Please do better research.

No sorry, independence “to do” bad shit is not the same as independence “and then” some bad shit at a later date. Rwanda is the latter, hence why your post was a straw man. Rhodesia is the former, hence why it was never granted independence after a referendum.

Outside the immediate colonial/pseudo-colonial context and without the rump states consent there’s very little chance of a claim to independence rooted in self-determination ever succeeding, whether the people involved are white or not. And even in the colonial context self-determination was limited to existing

What does the Rwandan genocide have to do with independence? You’ve created a straw man. A far better example would have been Rhodesia which declared independence unilaterally in order to continue to be ruled by white supremacists. The principle of self-determination did not apply in that case as Rhodesia was an

Of course the right to self-determination under international law comes with qualifiers attached. The main one being uti possidetis which is basically respect for the territorial integrity of the state. Absent an agreement to the contrary uti possidetis will always win out over self-determination unless there’s some

Exactly the same as happened during Notting hill carnival here in London. Trumped up fears over gang violence and terrorism meant a huge increase in police numbers and the imposition of a ‘ring of steel’ around the event. In reality it’s all about control and keeping people in their place now that the immediate area

Nobody ran so it just counts as a regular ball with no run. The guy who hit it was pretty horrified by the whole thing it seemed.

It’s a particularly English thing to shorten names. The short form of Jeremy in much of the UK would be Jez and adding the extra -za is just a way of humanising the guy and making him seem more cool.

But my point is that it is de facto 2 tournaments. The people at the top are playing to win while those at the bottom are playing for position. Both of those are important but outside of those with a vested interest, only the top matters.

But they do. The world cup final has better officials and more technology than the game between Guam and Thailand in the Qualifiers. Game 7 of the World Series is different to the first game of the pre-season.

It would be more like the biggest game of the last day of the regular season getting more attention than a game between 2 teams at the bottom of the standings. Obviously they’re both officiated with the same rules but the league obviously cares more about the rules being applied correctly in a higher leverage

Nah your point was that it’s 1 rule for those at the top and another for those at the bottom. I just pointed out that that is true for all sports.

That’s how it works in all sports though. Higher profile matches get more analysis. Generally because they mean more.

Shit you mean you’d be more likely to get abused in a football stadium than a cosmopolitan city in North America? Pull the other one. 

Probably a bet on Barca B to win plus there to be more than 8 goals in the game, or something of that nature. Would net odds of around 150/1 perhaps.

There was no order per se but the Attorney General released a statement warning people to be careful about what they posted online.

How is this an outrage? Shit I remember not being able to discuss the Hillsborough disaster on social media for about 2 years while the inquest was going on, even though everyone with half a brain knew what the outcome of that case was going to be.

Normally teams in England build their own stadiums. I wouldn’t say that any of the subsidising in the USA is gleeful though. To me as an outsider it seems as if it’s just a natural consequence of the free market franchise system. Here sports teams are tied to communities in such a way that in the vast majority of

Are you pulling a John Oliver on us or did you mean South Sudan?

On one hand, Arsenal have never spent enough money in terms of both salary and transfer outlay to realistically expect to win the Premier League or the Champions League. That the manager has consistently had less money than the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea and at times Manchester City and Liverpool, and