Um how long do I have to wait so I can make a joke that the bomb was really a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and not a terrorist threat?
Um how long do I have to wait so I can make a joke that the bomb was really a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and not a terrorist threat?
What is Tom’s last name? I think he wants to have a first name that matchs the last name.
Well I know Wolverine is suppose to be Canadian. We can use him for Team Canada’s Captain.
It is if you are an atheist......
Totally was looking for this...
Where to start?!?
I think the kid is so chill becuase he realize the car is a lease......LOL
I always wondered what this show would be like with modern CGI and SFX. Does anyone know if they would do a modern take on this show?
Hmmm....looks like the subway tunnel ride at Universal Studios.
Can you tell me why car dealerships selling methods feels so crooked and backwards?
Why aren’t dealerships more transparent about their product and their fees? Why isn’t there a simple chart or something that breaks down the prices?
I am surprise there isn’t more automatic parking garages. Would people trust those more?
can i have this instead? or the one from hawaii five-o.
Is it thanksgiving already?!?!?!?
Do you hold your phone over your head all the time?
All I want now is a YoYo with an accelerometer as a wireless pokeball and when you throw will count as your throw in the game.
Um give it a few will happen when you aren’t expecting it.
You need to change the title to....
If Darth Maul can loose his lower torso and still be alive...I think Mace Windu surviving electrocution and lost of a hand is not enough to kill a Jedi master. And Darth Maul was just an apprentice.
Why the F*** are you reviewing cars? Did everyone from Jalponik quit?