my question is why the F doesn’t Dom pick up his RX7 from the parking garage in the first movie?
my question is why the F doesn’t Dom pick up his RX7 from the parking garage in the first movie?
If these people truly don’t want to be part of USA. Why not deport them? As they agreed that they aren’t Americans.
Doesn’t this technically mean these people are giving up their citizenship to America. They don’t pay taxes, they don’t follow laws and they give up all identification that makes them an American citizen. Why not deport them to international territories or whoever wants them?
I don’t understand this. I have read that most roof racks has a maximum weight of 165 lbs. And the average weight that a car roof can hold up is 150 lbs to 165 lbs. How does these tents hold up 2 people?
Until my first bag of fuel is done but I have to hurry because my second bag of fuel has a hole.
WHAT STATE HAS THE BEST ROAD? is a better question than this crap question. Because all roads in the USA is underfunded and forgotten.
Gizmodo & Jalopnik....It was a place of knowledge and community, fun and laughter but now it is ADS city. 80% ADS all the time and mobile 90% ADS. And blocked comments.
yeah...if you really didnt like can watch it get destroyed in the movie triple x state of the union.
i used to own 30 hg kits when i was younger... but nowadays i prefer the bigger ones and my personal favorite ones.
Do you think I should wait for the s4 interior change in 2021/2022 or buy the current s4 with old interior style?
Would you prefer 3 black men driving around white America? That would be the shortest Top Gear season ever and it would be the bloodiest also as those men would be shot for stealing.
What would your personal tripod trio would be for America Top Gear would be?
Answer: The force will be with you to keep you warm.
Answer: The force will be with you to keep you warm.
This is interesting but my real wonder is if Tesla can make solar panel tiles for homes, why can’t they make solar panels roof for cars?
what years were your Audi cars and how much do you think you spend to repair them?