For any locals, we need more volunteers. If you have the time, even if it’s just for a couple hours, come down to a shelter and volunteer. There is plenty to do. Helping sort out donations arriving needs more people asap.
For any locals, we need more volunteers. If you have the time, even if it’s just for a couple hours, come down to a shelter and volunteer. There is plenty to do. Helping sort out donations arriving needs more people asap.
2 Kings 19:34
Well, since nobody else is going to do it..
Which thin-skinned, tantrum-throwing infantile idiot of a world leader did it better?
We waste ammo on non-threats, I think we have a very limited supply. Also, my personal guess: everyone finds out how ineffective the systems might be.
Little Boy and Fat Man.
There’s a term for people who ride motorcycles without helmets. They’re called “organ donors”.
I’ve told the story before, I’ll tell it again.
Those who refuse to wear helmets will learn the hard way when they end up with their heads and brains splattered on the pavement like roadkill.... or like oil paint on a canvas.
This guy is such a horse-faced fraud. The worst part is that, much like our president, he doesn’t have the capacity for empathy. It disappeared long ago when the yachts, private jets, and monstrous houses started appearing because he “spoke words of faith” to get that shit. At no point will he take a look in the…
“...And Jesus spoke to his desciples, ‘The man beside you is your brother, protect and care for your brothers only when ridicule and bad press on social media and news outlets is so high that it could potentially impact cash flows. Remember this and do this in my name. Amen’”
Does he know how terrible he sounds? There is courage in acknowledging that you messed up and that you’re going to do better now. But I guess that’s too much to ask from someone like this.
The world’s first Hundred Grand Cherokee.
The most delicious militia in America.
“BREAKING NEWS: Craft services ran out of everything bagels. Police have been notified. Oh, the humanity...”
Before that question can be answered, you have to determine whether the 100- or 500-year design spec really adds that much to the cost. It may only require hardening the lower levels of an otherwise conventional building; it may be nothing more than site preparation before building a conventional building begins.