
That first helicopter clip is hilarious.

in russia, green lights you.

The Porsche was the only one that died a noble death, doing what it was supposed to do. All Hail the Victorious Dead!!

I also like the “maybe I can just drive away from the fire” technique for dealing with it.

The Lamborghini that sets itself on fire was perfect.

I only really feel bad for that Porsche.

People just hate people for having nice things. I don’t see anyone getting bent about loud motorcycle or speeding Caravans.

Its a beautiful “ASS”.

Sunday’s for racin’, it’s already an oval, time for some circle track shenanigans. If we use those little side loops as “bus stop” chicanes, it could make a fine little drift course.

This is great. David please forward me the contact information for the new owners. I am looking for a safe and quite place to have events for my motor loving friends. I am thinking a schedule like this. Hours would be 5 pm to midnight or later.

I think the impact knocked a few vowels out of his name.

Is there anything more Pittsburghy than an unconscious dude with a name in dire need of a vowel floating down the Monongagheny in search of a bambulance? Yinz?

He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.

That’s a 707.

I got the biggest grin when he said “All systems nominal.”

As a Houston resident, I have to agree that moving anything related to commercial aviation to Chicago is a mistake. Unless you like United and their “That’s the Chicago Way!” brand of customer service.

Now playing

Quick, call that guy who does the battle simulations!

A lot of people have been bringing guns on planes lately. Loaded and chambered guns.