
I think he meant that as an insult. If it weren’t for the straight/angular aesthetic, I could easily confuse that interior for an early-2000's Chevy plastic dash.

Am I the only one shocked that the dashboard in that thing is from an upmarket brand in 2013?

I get the feeling that Automation of semi-trucks could lead to highway piracy. Especially if its going to start displacing as many as 4 million jobs. But lets assume that of those 4 million jobs a good deal of them return to agriculture and farming as a means of money making. Others leave for some kind of skilled

Jimmy Hoffa s son is the head of the teamsters? Wow, power really doesn’t shift hands very much does it.

I want autonomous trucks so they can drive at night, and I can see less of them during the day.

That’s nothing to be proud of, Russ.

As someone who put in many years of food service, these are the Rules of Ordering Special Items:

Thanks, global warming. ;(

I imagine this is what happened in the car:

I worked retail consumer electronics sales in my early/mid 20's. Straight commission, and I was pretty good at what I did.

A team of neurologists and surgeons told my wife’s parents that her head injuries from a car wreck were so severe she would never be able to look after herself again, never be able to walk more than a few paces.

Go easy on Torch. He was an art history major.

You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.

[hesrightyouknow.jpg here]

Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke

But, bro...The Brotella T6 has better shear than the others! You wouldn’t wanna be drivin’ down the road vapin’, only to have your engine seize because you didn’t use what the holy cult of the flat-brim prescribes, would you?

Fun fact: The lubrication engineers at the OEM I worked at sat in a 4 man cubical known as “The Lube Cube”. Their opinion supports yours in that even the cheapest modern oil does a great job as long as it’s changed regularly.

Especially when it comes to the EJ-25, the type of oil is nearly negligible, because it all burns off! Ask my, I would know. An oil change is more like a ‘topping off.’