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    You forgot the circle of people that would actually buy said car new, instead of all of us who would buy it 5-10 years later. ;)

    Comment Exchange Of The Day

    Maybe they should, I don’t know... put some sort of blast shield on that runway? Or put that fence farther away?? Or maybe don’t put two big concrete curbs there?? So many poor design choices...

    Right? I was wondering the whole time, “why didn’t anyone think to affix these pedestals to the floor??”

    Don’t forget alternate routes home from each dealer you visit! Or a change of clothes/car around the block from the dealer after you leave. Can’t be too careful.



    Honestly, this is the kind of flipping I thought the headline referred to.

    This is one of many, many reasons I will never ever understand why someone would want to live in NYC. I’m kind of glad I live in Not the Middle of Nowhere but You Can See It From Here, Indiana

    I’d love to see the look on that Mini driver’s face as the F1 car passed him “OH COME.... ON!!!”

    I don’t see anything wrong with this scenario...

    Looks like I was 30 minutes too late with that Youtube clip haha

    Now playing

    I before E, except after C and when it sounds like “a” in neighbor and weigh, and on weekend and holidays and you’ll never be right no matter WHAT YOU SAY!!
    -Brian Reagan

    A Space Marine you say??

    All I have to say to this is: “hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ::gasp for air:: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa”

    Afterward we’ll be exhausted at work the next day and have food poisoning or heartburn from the pizza. Isn’t getting old awesome?

    Thank you Mr. Car Designer! I used to work in manufacturing engineering at Subaru (in Paint) and am soooooo glad I don’t anymore... Keep fighting the good fight. Also, screw those guys in Body that always dumped their problems on Paint thinking we could cover it up... *grumble grumble*

    Just as with everything else in life, it’s more complicated than just black and white. Everything is an “it depends” kind of scenario with mitigating factors. Why people can’t understand that in terms of Presidential performance (looking at you Obama haters), I will never understand. I don’t agree with everything he

    Am I the only one that’s annoyed that they don’t actually show their whole lineup on that page? Where’s the Mustang? Fiesta? Focus? Quite annoying...

    I like how the guy with the first fire extinguisher just kind of gives up.