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    So..... put the bolts back in?

    It’s great until you forget you hung something there after waking up from a nap and leave it on the plane...

    Shouldn’t he be arrested and tried for treason for this? Because that’s what would happen if anyone else leaked classified data of that magnitude...

    Weaponized locusts. Definitely that.


    Yeah... history doesn’t really jive with the “amicable breakup” thing though for countries, unfortunately. Not saying it couldn’t happen, but it’d be really really hard to do.

    It’s called Civil War, and no... we don’t want that again, thank you.

    So someone needs to start a conservative news network that isn’t a bunch of crazies?

    I guess I should have been more specific, just the companies I’ve worked at (Caterpillar and Subaru) in Indiana. Maybe it’s just an Indiana thing?

    Wait. Stop everything. There’s a guy named Krauthammer on Fox News? That’s both awesome and slightly terrifying. :P

    Here in the Midwest, Fox News is broadcast in break rooms and cafeterias at major companies, so every line worker is fed a constant diet of this junk even while at work. Then they go home and re-watch it before they go to sleep. It’s complete and utter brainwashing.

    And yet... 45 is still in office with no resignation, impeachment, or even acknowledgement that he’s done anything wrong in sight... ::SIGH::

    If only you lived in the 4th District of Indiana, then we’d have something! :P

    I value my sanity and family life too much to run, but thanks for the endorsement!

    A couple of my many faults. :)

    One of many reasons I choose not to run for Congress. :P

    The problem is though, if you can’t even afford to get your driver’s license back, how are you going to afford to move? You can’t rent a Uhaul, can’t drive a truck, and unless you’ve got a friend with a van or a pickup to help you out you’re stuck. These people just get stuck in bad situations because of poorly

    It’s even worse than that... we pay for it every time we go to the doctor’s office or the hospital through inflated procedural costs to cover people without insurance, malpractice insurance premiums, lawsuits, etc. If we could do two things, we’d get a long way towards our goal:
    1) Regulate the cost of routine

    I think it doesn’t fit with his public Republican persona to appear to know anything or care for anyone aside from his base. It’s really sad how power warps some people...