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    My wife just started as a LuLaRoe consultant! We have our launch this weekend, so if you want some updates I’d be happy to share. She’s an elementary school teacher, and with the connections she has there I think she’s going to do really well at it. LuLaRoe seems to compensate their consultants really well, and the

    COTD for finding this car!

    I love me some Story Bots! My son really liked the episode on Netflix about how planes fly. Pretty impressive that thanks to educational shows like this a 3 year old knows what forces act on a plane to enable flight!


    As someone who lives in and around a whole lot of hick towns, this election scares the bejeezus out of me.

    What’s going to happen on the day before election day? Don’t answer that though, it might give the Trumpeters some more bad ideas...


    Would you could you with a goat?

    Also your tomatoes now have to produce chemicals to fight off bugs themselves, instead of producing different chemicals to make themselves more tasty and nutritious for us to eat. I had this argument with a plant scientist in college and he set me straight. :)

    Is it weird that I thought of Green Eggs and Ham when reading: ‘The FAA now states that passengers may not carry the phone “on their person, in carry-on baggage, in checked baggage, or as cargo.”’

    Just bought a 2007 XC90 V8 AWD with 85k miles on it for $11,200, so a newer one would be in his price range methinks. Go for the Swede Speed! Jeremy Clarkson used to own one!

    Every time I see someone claiming to be a fellow Christian supporting Trump, it’s just a slap in the face... Please don’t lump us all in with this crazy person and her ilk.

    My 2005 Legacy GT wagon would less than kindly disagree with your “slow” statement. :D

    Please tell me I’m not the only one that can’t stand Apples pod style headphones. They always fall out of my ears, and when they’re in there are quite uncomfortable... I’ll keep my Shure SE420 earphones with the headphone jack, thank you very much! Long live Android and the headphone jack (yes Apple fanboys, I know

    Tomorrow’s Headline: Bernie Ecclestone teams up with Peter Thiel to sue the pants off of Black Flag just for kicks and evil laughs (Bernie doesn’t giggle)

    I’d wager it’s because accountants run the company instead of engineers... this is why we can’t have nice things anymore...

    I think I literally cried laughing the first time I saw it.

    Bless you...

    Reason #1001 I will never understand why people want to live in New York City...

    Remember, for legal reasons they can’t use the “c-word” either!