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    Literally just got a Prime membership for this show... and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Don’t judge.

    Great, now I’m going to have the Black Adder theme song stuck in my head all afternoon... Funny story about Mr. Atkinson, he went to university with my uncle and actually graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

    You sir, are an international hero of the highest order.

    Would that make Chris Evans.....an elaborate roux?

    I think any car that advertises it’s driver playing Pokemon Go should immediately be pulled over and ticketed (at least in states where it’s illegal to use your phone while driving)...

    Clarkson punching Evans in the face is something I would pay to watch over and over again.

    Or perhaps they’ll go to Alabama precisely because of their previous experience. It’d be hilarious and a ratings gold mine!

    And have them drive at “35 mph” along it again?

    I think they’ll just keep as many hosts as they can in a winner take all style deathmatch until they drop one-by-one due to scandal, old age, or boredom. Then it’ll just be Matt LeBlanc’s hair and Sabine at the end of 4 series.

    That’s an interesting point, actually. Not being sarcastic, but do you have sources for where Geno served in the Air Force? I’d really like to see his flying credentials. Just because he’s a retired colonel doesn’t mean he could fly a fighter aircraft worth anything.

    Am I the only one who has never once gotten a discount by using Honey? Maybe I just don’t shop for the “right” things, but it always comes up with nada when I use it...

    This is why I will never, ever live in a big city. Give me my suburban, small town garage that I pay $700 a year in property tax for FOR AN ENTIRE HOUSE. The Midwest rules. :)

    The bugeye stalks her prey in her natural grassland habitat.

    Thanks for opening the lid to Pandora’s box! :P

    Color me intrigued! My son is only 2, but he loves race cars... If that love continues until the age he can actually reach the pedals of a cart I’d like to have all the info ready to go!

    I think they’ll make a “Trump 2016" bumper... out of “Multerry Graide Aluminum” of course.

    This is very timely, since I was just trying to figure out what to do with our 2 Basis B1 units that don’t sync with our Android phones anymore. :)

    Yeah, mostly just pointing out the silliness of annual fees. Travel hacking is cool if you’re very detail oriented about your finances and keep on top of paying off your card(s) every month.

    OMG I’m crying in my cube trying not to burst out laughing... well done.

    Hey now, leave us crazy Indiana folk out of this. :P