
That’s absurd.

hard pass, 1 through 10.

Champaign Urbana is also in Central Illinois, which is to say it’s in the middle of fucking nowhere, with nothing to do

There are a lot of people I don’t want to be around either (including most other people’s children), but they’re not barred from a restaurant because I want to go there.  I don’t take my dog to restaurants because she doesn’t like crowds, but plenty of dogs are perfectly happy hanging out on a patio with their owner,

Just tell them the truth- Russians are violent animals with a towering persecution/inferiority complex towards the West that’s going to get us all killed. Don’t forget to leave out the fact their players are the biggest fucking pussies in the NHL.

There is no amount of savings worth battling a crowded store during a pandemic for.

Black Friday is a scam, but check out these black friday deals and make sure you click our affiliate links?

No. The vaccine works and is still extremely effective against all known variants. Almost everyone who wants the vaccine has been eligible to get it for quite a while, so NO, I won’t be masking up again just to protect the anti-vaxxer morons. However, IF NYC gets back up to a “Substantial level” of cases of 50/100k

The morons who thought getting rid of the mask mandate would ENCOURAGE people to go get the vaccine instead of just lying their ass off about having got the vaccine NOW think people are going to listen to them and start wearing masks again???

How about instead of hiding photos of your ex you, I dunno, accept that the relationship has ended and delete the photos?

So things are better than social media is saying?  Data is so easy to use to suit your messages but this source makes it seem like things are pretty good. I don't expect them to stay good but at current time this data is mostly positive.  Right?

No. We absolutely did not do the quarantine to “fix” the problem. We quarantined specifically to keep the hospitals from being overburdened.  Anybody who thinks otherwise is woefully mistaken and misinformed.

The thing with COVID is that until there is a vaccine there are no good answers. social distancing and face masks are small things, but you can’t just shut down 75% of the business nationwide for months and months and months on end and expect anything good to come of it. Would you slow the spread, it is VERY possible

The problem is there is no fix for this broken pipe, at least not yet. All we CAN do is tape it up until we CAN fix it. We can’t let people go homeless because they’re out of work (or can’t run their own businesses) because they’re being locked down.

No but this is a post about what to do with your money and the stock market is a big factor in that

Oh, well, if the stock market is doing fine, I’ll just feed my kids with that instead of income from the job I no longer have.

The stock market is not the economy.

The pandemic/shut-down induced market drop has mostly recovered and is not showing signs of reversing course. It was an artificially induced market drop and natural market forces will always correct that (as this one is doing). 

Oh, yeah, there’s no WAY that bill is gonna get through the Senate.

Political theater at its finest. They may as well be promising $10k a month.