Nah, just tell people that you named the kid after Paula Deen.
I remember as a kid hating how Elmo was gradually taking over the show and less and less of other monsters were getting to show up. My favorite Muppet on the show as Grover and he got pushed out pretty hard for more Elmo skits. I think I gave up caring about Seaseme Street after attending one of those Live! shows that…
Anna Paquin Skywalker
Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.
Adam Richman is an asshole and I liked him much better when he was fat. Anthony Bourdain should feel free to make fun of him. Guy Fieri is an easy target- Bourdain needs to raise his insult game.
There isn’t in the canon.
I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”
To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”
I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came…
When I lived in NYC, around early 2004, I was taking the L train back from Lorimer to the East Village. On the same train car, no exaggeration: Homeless man walks into center of the L train, drops his pants and takes a shit on the subway car floor. No one even batted an eyelash.
For fucking real. That fucking pizza place in Indiana raised how much?
Where did you get the idea that commenters here think that killing a child is okay?
Rrright, because posters here are in the “killing your children is ok” camp.
I hope you know that people like you are part of the problem.
they had managed to raise only $5.
She must have felt so helpless and hopeless. Heartbreaking.
Everything about this is incredibly sad. I wish them both peace...
Man, I have get almost the same feeling of revulsion when I look at Pewdiepie as I do with Juggalo Joker. I’m happiest not seeing him.
This seems to have been the problem with all the sequel material in the written form so far. The one off comics have been nothing but moving puzzle pieces (often even when it was unnecessary), and the first book was often an incoherent mess that didn’t do anything (at least for me) in terms of setting up this new…