
Thank god! Now if only they’d pre-emptively renewed it a few months ago, so they could already be underway on season 2 and we wouldn’t have to wait probably two years for it.

I am old enough to remember there being an uproar over showing commercials before movies in movie theaters. And now... people just use it as an excuse to arrive at the theater later. Or mess with their phones longer.

My thought also. Why the heck did he get his fingers close enough to a rat to get bitten!?

Well, this is just a friggen nightmare on so many levels. At least he’s Canadian, if he was American, he’d also likely get stuck with a 100k hospital bill on top of everything else.

Ghoulies get you in the end

Well, now I have a new thing to be afraid of in addition to toilet snakes. 

I always visualized John Goodman as Galactus. 

Heck yea!

Chuck Russell’s 1988 Blob remake is fantastic. The practical effects and gore are *chef’s kiss*.

Seems like this was the only way they could salvage this situation. Get Neve and Kev back. (Interesting that he’s not coming back as a writer, though I assume he’s heavily involved with the development.)

Wasn’t Damien’s mother a jackal? I thought that was explicitly confirmed in The Omen 3.

As I said in an earlier thread, I hope Campbell got her bag.

I don’t know if Lynch fully got the novel (see Paul being an actual god at the end), but on some level his weirdness vibed with Herbert’s weirdness and produced a wholly new type of science fiction movie, one that was totally unapologetic about being strange and off-putting the way literary SF can be. The characters

Now playing

The extra footage that Lynch shot is fascinating, but the Universal TV version is an absolute trainwreck, with many scenes recut in ways that render the story incoherent, designed to pad the running time out to two nights. And it doesn’t even use all of Lynch’s scenes — it leaves out both Thufir’s death and the

“Better” is relative, of course. The Alan Smithee cut of Dune is longer, contains more exposition and key scenes for book fans, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it a better film. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087182/alternateversions/

Alia, played by the gorgeous and talented Alicia Witt! (Her movie debut, I would think)

I had to click through to the Collider article to make sure there wasn’t more to the story about Samara Weaving in a new “Nightmare on Elm Street” movie.

The great Virginia Madsen also stars in the Lynch Dune (and opens the film), playing the role that Florence Pugh would inherit.

Well, that clickbait title totally suckered me into watching this trailer this morning. Suffice it to say, NOT the scariest 2 minutes of my day — but rereading the title, it doesn’t promise that it’ll be the scariest 2 minutes. It says that it merely “could be” the scariest 2 minutes. Which is a fair enough conceit.

WB is desperate for a franchise so unless this movie completely craters next week I think Messiah is in the bag. Great reviews,  strong opening weekend. It’s really all WB could ask for right now