Malice Highload

The only way to attack Trump and his supporters are with the bluntest weapons.

Trying to clear space lately and I've got this small mountain of CDs from the 90s that I'm having trouble parting with. First off, there's figuring out how to get rid of them. Back in the day, used CD shops would take just about anything. Now… most of those shops don't even exist. But beyond that, I just had a

This is actually his second stint on tv. He starred in a British reality show called "Jean-Claude Van Damme: Behind Closed Doors" in 2011 that was really interesting. i think it might have aired on Showtime at some point and I tore through the eps. Featured him and his family and it's just fascinating to see how

I had noticed that Beck had lost weight at the beginning of the SNL season: I assume he did it for this short film now but I'm really curious. Did they just shoot the short during the summer hiatus as Beck was working his ass off at the gym? Did he have a trainer to really make sure he was on track? I know these

$200 million and you get the property PLUS an old man? Are you allowed to move in while he's still alive…? Because you know even once he's kicked the bucket, he's going to be haunting that goddamn place for eternity.

I loved that. Noah was giving him nothing and he managed to pivot into something funny.

Painfully unfunny.

He's such an awkward interviewer. I bet Cross misses Jon Stewart — thing is, Cross and Stewart came from stand-up of a similar era, so Cross could feel some comfort visiting TDS to promote something. Here, Noah is from a new generation of comics that wasn't necessarily influenced by Mr. Show/David Cross. Noah

Totally thought this, too. And "Jesus Walks" is legitimately "pro-Jesus".

I was never a big fan of Jonah Ray on the Nerdist podcast but assumed he must be a decent comic — until I caught his act. Super unfunny. Aggressively unfunny. Now, his buddy Kumail would have definitely been inspired casting. And I think more people are familiar with Kumail than Jonah Ray. It's really obnoxious.

RE: Melissa narrative. January Jones losing interest in Todd seemed believable. Her suddenly wanting to be with him again seemed… forced. It's definitely the writing/pacing of her turnaround but also seemed to be her performance.

They totally rejected it!

As good as THE FORCE AWAKENS may be, I think Lucas will have a hard time enjoying it. I imagine he's going to have a hard time reconciling the story they decided to shoot with the story he outlined for them (that was rejected).

I wonder who writes these for him.

I really liked Spectre. Just wondering where he kept his change of clothes. He changes outfits A LOT with some very spiffy suits and tuxes but you never see him carrying garment bags. I imagine 007 has a costumer who has to follow him with all his suits but stay clear of all meaningful scenes.

E.T. is awesome but The Black Stallion is a really beautiful piece of work, too. It wasn't really part of my childhood but I watched it recently and it is really wonderful. More people should see it.

The Simpsons have their own little village at Universal Studios Florida.

I was hoping this was going to be about a Zombie Amy Mann and her travels across the country.

The show is so dark, it unfolds like a kind of horror movie. In every scenario, Forrest seems to stumble toward the darkest path. I feel bad for him even though he's brought it all on himself.

Steve Carell should replace Bruce Willis in the next DIE HARD movie.