Malice Highload

On a Christmas morning as a child, it would have taken me about 12 minutes to unbox all of those toys.

The last thing Max Landis needs is an ego boost.

"It ends with victory, but it’s a bittersweet victory."

I cannot see this movie without crying HARD AND UGLY. It touches a raw nerve.

Is Groot in this?

He's on record about not caring about remakes of any of his films. Not in an Alan Moore sort of way. He's happy about the money.

It's great when comedians enter their grumpy old man phase. Is there no way to avoid the Andy Rooney years?

I was born in 1976, kids. I remember seeing this movie when it was on video. And thinking (knowing) it was terrible — but if I were younger, I might adore it. It's a terrible movie with stupid characters and performances but if you're really young and can't hardly wait to be a cool teenager with a job and FEELINGS

Whenever I'm finishing a slice of Pizza Hut pizza, I tend to think, "I wish I had a hot dog to chase this down…"

I remember getting a secondary floppy drive for my Apple IIc, it was so great.

It's weird how they spoil stuff like this so far in advance of the episode airing.

DOUBLE SEASON! It's like Use Your Illusions.

fuck the following.. ashes to ashes

The Gungans, as a race, did not die in the prequels — and were even inserted into the celebration sequence in ROTJ. So as hated as they are, it would make sense for them to be in the sequels — at least as silent background characters. I dislike the prequels but I'm kinda glad they're locked in as canon and they've

I had a blast with this movie — and I'm glad this is getting made despite what was written about in those Sony leaks.

Love this movie to bits and pieces.

The most soulless tentpole franchise in Hollywood.

This national nightmare has ended. Let us not waste more time pointing fingers and casting aspersions — let us simply accept that this happened and try to rebuild.

Wouldn't be surprised if reps from these shows told Team Cosby, "Look, we'd love to have him on but he's GOT to address these allegations…" and Team Cosby was all, "WHATCHOO TALKIN BOUT WILLIS?" or whatever equivalent pudding-pops-related catchphrase Cosby used to have.

A schmuck from SURVIVOR was a writer on this show.