Malice Highload

I watched this is "4DX" (look it up) and — I really liked it! Liked it a LOT better than the last (first) Annabelle spin-off movie, FWIW. The 4DX motion was done really well, too, if you've access to it.

It's early — I glanced at the article and thought it said, "Howard is set to make her female directorial debut…" — my immediate thought was, "Why are female directors marginalized like this? Why can't it just read 'directorial debut'??"

Just saw this and how is Christopher Abbott *NOT* Kit Harington? The whole movie I'm thinking, "That's Jon Snow…"

Just saw it and I AGREE!!! It seemed, ultimately, POINTLESS. Sure, there's tension in the moment-to-moment of it… but there seems to be no larger purpose by the end. No twists or reversals of expectations. Deeply unsatisfying. Like an incomplete movie.

I hated the end of LOST and loved this end of THE LEFTOVERS. Just pitch perfect.

Loved it as a kid but, even then, thought it got stupider and stupider as it went on. The thing I remember that annoyed me most was that Bull was genuinely intimidating in the beginning but somewhere along the line he became this cooing puppy-dog simpleton.

I wonder how they're going to simulate the sound of those squiggly lines…

Seems he goes to great lengths to NOT take any roles that are demeaning — which must have been particularly difficult in his earlier years.

I remember watching the DVD of Forbidden Zone years ago, which included some interviews with the people involved. The woman who played the Queen (?) was dating Herve and she talked about him for a spell, including how they had sex.

YES. They've gone way overboard with making him an idiot. The show opened so strongly by depicting him as this loser who suddenly had the whole world to himself as a playground. Then corrupting him with his sex desires, and the great lengths he went to be with women. Now that he's reformed and no longer chasing

Can't wait to see Rufio running the Hundred Acre Wood…

Thomas Middleditch is a national treasure.

The Tower of Terror ride is a perfect union of narrative and thrill ride. The Twilight Zone theme works perfectly.

Just went to see it — BECAUSE OF THIS ARTICLE! (Warner Bros — the company that held Prince as a "Slave" for all those years — thanks you!)

This was such an awesome soundtrack. And an amazing movie. Deserves a bigger following.

I think he switched up the pot he smokes to deal with his anxiety he gets when he does these shows. Indy is baked as fuck.

I remember reading about this project a lifetime ago.

Those Cannonball Run movies are Cameo-Overdrive! Starring everyone in Hollywood! Can't wait for "cleavage jumpsuit" for a new generation. Burt Reynolds can barely move these days but maybe they can prop him in a chair for a cameo.

A friend of mine had a large portion of his CD collection stolen from the back of his car years ago — admittedly before CDs had reached their current state of obsolescence.

Actually, I just had drinks with a college buddy who was telling me he did the same thing.