
For those that don’t know: my drivers test in CA involved me driving 2 blocks from the DMV and pulling into a residential neighborhood, parking, backing up 30 feet, 3 point turn to turn around, and drive back to the DMV. It took 5 minutes at most and that’s because I missed the light both times.

They probably called his house and his mom told them where he was and the number to contact him.

Having worked in the industry that sets up these types of events I think you are vastly overestimating the quality of people who work these shows. 

A lot of Cavs fans do actually, but yeah fans attempting to put an asterisk on a championship is bullshit. The Raptors beat the bucks and are beating a warriors team that swept the western conference finals. I’m a warriors fan and if I hear another warriors fan say that I’m gonna tell them to knock it off. The Raptors

100% agree, I have had every Gran Turismo from PS1-PS3 but when Sport was unveiled for PS4 it was the first time I didn’t buy a Playstation.

That’s not a spoiler. It’s a movie/book about a dog, there was zero chance it was alive by the end.

Going to the movies just isn’t all that popular in Japan anymore. Movies basically never break $30 million on a weekend. They have more than 1/3 the US population but cinemas often do less than 1/10 the business that they do here.

Dying a completely anonymous death begging for her life knowing she lost is the worst possible way for Cersei to die.

Joss Whedon himself is the one that implied he stopped. It was in response to a question from 2015 about this exact thing, the Russos just ran with it.

Nope, legitimately wasn’t more than a 15 second part of her seminar as it wasn’t remotely the focus of the presentation, never even uttered the word hydrogen. Her research focused on optimal grid utilization for EV charging and creating parking solutions for riding-sharing (uber/lyft) apps. Talked about parking

I’m curious where you got that chart because the one I saw from 2018 has significantly lower numbers for every state, it’s the exact same map but in blue with way lower numbers. The engineer wasn’t using those specific regions either, their areas were more precise. For example: lumping North and South Dakota together

Nope, they are actually a green-focused engineer with one part of their research dedicated to the impacts of electrification of vehicles on our power grid and the optimal time of day to charge a vehicle to lower both costs to consumers and pollution output of power plants.

Electric cars in the US typically create significantly less pollution than gas cars when accounting for electricity generation. Fun fact: in the North/Wisconsin area of the US, electric cars cause more pollution than gasoline cars.

Well, USC having the nickname University of spoiled children keeps paying dividends.

She was on earth for multiple days before that scene including long trips in a car, she easily could have heard it by then. Also, oh my god who cares, ;)

Seeds typically don’t need light to germinate.

They don’t record unless you say or it misinterprets something you say as the wake word.

If you were in high school in 2002, you are a millennial.

Because she owns the cat, it is her pet. She is its master.

No joke, maybe I wasn’t paying attention, but I had no idea a nutcracker movie was coming out this year.