
100% this. He lost his lateral movement and the Cavs figured it out.

I like how he pointed out that the Mets were bad defensively, which makes his incredible season even better. If he has no one on defense helping him that means every single low run game was all him, no diving saves, nothing. I’m not even a Mets fan and that pisses me off.

I’m surprised he didn’t try to weasel out of it by bringing up that Embiid was born in Africa so he wasn’t really being racist or some shit.

Not just that suit, almost every single concept I saw from that movie was better than what they chose.

The take so bad that it united all of io9 fandom.

Is that weird sound I’m hearing while driving the tires scraping the body panels?

The ball clearly hits the left hand of the fan in the orange shirt. It was fan interference 100% but it is clearly visible at around 1:40ish in the video

Nah it’s the gun, they and a few other people couldn’t see the instagram photo with the whole gun and were only seeing the butt of the gun in the original photo.

“It’s free publicity” isn’t comforting for artists who haven’t gotten paid or credited for their hard work

Disney has no control over anything happening at Fox until the sale is complete. Gambit wouldn’t be starting filming early next year at all if Disney had any amount of control.

My guess is that Hydra is using the panic over Y2K as a cover for pulling off something evil that can just be blamed on Y2K. They were pretending to not exist at the time so it’s actually a pretty good way to cover your tracks.

Open wheeled cars on general shouldn’t be racing on ovals, it is stupidly dangerous when literally any contact turns into a 200+ mph crash.

Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 22 to 37 in 2018) will be considered a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward will be part of a new generation.

Also 18 year olds aren't millenials.

You didn’t quite do this part justice for how awesome it was: Back on the station, the Martian commander’s body shoots to the ceiling, then shatters (power armor and all) before dissolving into the floor. 

It’s the format of the playoffs and the east sucking. If the WCF were the actual finals they would have been fantastic.

If Tesla fails there will probably be a big parts market because they’ve made over 300,000 teslas whereas delorean didn’t manage to crack 10,000.

You can keep citing that but it doesn’t mention muscle building at all, just an fyi. The article Conan quoted above from an actual research paper does say exactly what everyone else is saying: .75g-1g per pound.

I couldn’t ever get into the show, could only get through like 3-4 episodes, but I thought Leftovers wasn’t really sci-fi? Even based on the ending which I understood that you weren’t necessarily supposed to believe was true, someone randomly saying alternate dimensions with zero actual exploration thereof doesn’t

The tropes didnt bother me. I enjoyed the series overall I guess but by the end of the last book I literally hated all 3 of the siblings. By the end I only cared about the birds and Gwenna.