
I don’t even know if it would have fit with the movie but god did I want that to happen. The scene was great as is but I wanted immigrant song to play so bad. Once the bluray hits I hope someone will make an edit with that in.

Michael J Fox didn’t invent rock and roll in back to the Future. He’s singing a Chuck berry song that he learned from listening to Chuck berry before going back in time but yet somehow teaches it to Chuck berry, it’s just supposed to give you a headache. He specifically calls it an oldie. Time travel in the bttf

I’m actually of the opinion that people are attaching to Lebron because it is happening now, the recency thing, but they don’t even play the same position in completely different eras so its a pointless argument.

Jordan did this all the time too.

It didn’t, there was something holding it open but it was damaged and broke off when they restarted it.

I’m a warriors fan and hate LeBron but if the Rockets make it to the finals against the Cavs I’m rooting for the Cavs purely because I absolutely hate the way Harden plays basketball.

That is 100% correct. At the end of the first Captain America movie (just rewatched it before IW) when he wakes up in the future and they are trying to ease him into it they are playing a Dodgers game in the background and he knows something is wrong because he went to that game.

I think all of the executives in charge of decision making for WB should be fired after Infinty War made in 3 days the same amount of money as Justice League’s entire run.

They look like m2 wheels with a little chromed piece thrown on.

20 year olds aren’t millennials. Millenials are 22-37 years old as of 2018.

WB is the poster child of screwing people out of royalties and backend. That mixed with their notoriously bad meddling makes me wonder why anyone would make a movie with them unless they had to. They need some massive housekeeping at the top.

Aso, iirc, the straight in China yesterday had the camera zoomed in to the back of the straight and zoomed out and turned as the cars approached, making them look practically stationary.

Also those PC evangelists don’t really exist in large enough numbers to take seriously. I play games basically exclusively on PC but I 100% will pick up a switch sometime in the next year for gaming during my hour long commute. I’m hoping for a hardware refresh to pick one up but some think it may not happen anytime

He’s a flipping Celestial in the MCU.

Yeah, going elsewhere is key. BMW wanted I think $300 to change my dads cabin air filter, the part is 30 bucks and is the most easily accessible filter I have ever seen.

This show might be my favorite thing ever made, either film or television. I totally get why people might not like it, but for me it is perfection.

I mean, psychic power boosting tanks aren’t a real thing either.

It is a DIY way to get the tire on the wheel, not inflate it.

I agree, but go even further. Do a bunch of Elseworlds adaptations. I’d kill to see a live action Superman: Red Son.

It is literally explained 5 sentences later.