
This is a really helpful series even for relatively experienced builders as well. I’ve been lucky enough to have never had a PSU failure while building one of my many computers over the years so this article and also all of the comments really helps me know what to look out for when I inevitably get one on my next

There’s a grocery store near my house that actually put up an item limit sign on their self-checkout.

Like everyone else I think it was a problem with Perlmutter. He is still around as an actor because now that Perlmutter isn’t involved in the films anymore everyone loves being in them. Perlmutter almost destroyed the entire franchise because everyone hated him so much they might have had to recast everyone

I saw the trailer for New Mutants before a movie and in my head it hadn’t even started filming yet, that was quite the surprise.

It always drove me crazy when they said that as well also because anyone who watched the show would know it isn’t the same characters or story and anyone who didn’t watch the show wouldn’t care.

The people who wanted Snyder gone and the people who made this petition are not the same people.

Talib ripped off Crabtree’s necklace during the block which is what started the fight.

The stinger has Mr Poopybutthole briefly describing everything that happens in the photo album but it isn’t the same scene. I just rewatched it to double check, as it seemed familiar.

It might live on due to the launch of the Disney streaming service in a year.

I don’t begrudge them for changing the story because honestly who cares? It’s a stupid action movie based on a video game. That being said your Rampage movie idea would make an awesome action horror movie.

Didn’t even read your review but thank you so much for literally including the spoiler warning graphic in your post before posting spoilers. I wish more people would do this.

Initial reports suggested that the purchase would actually also contain the channel FX itself so the contracts would probably still be valid?

I keep hearing people saying this but Disney was ultimately responsible for this:

It gives me hope that, after hiring Whedon to reshoot half of the movie, that they realized the problem with the movies was mainly that Snyder is a fucking a hack. Now can we get a Flashpoint soft reboot of the universe and erase Snyder’s horrible taint from this franchise forever?

Why are you so adamant about where your window switches are?

Yeah I’m of the opinion that at some point someone is going to say something along the lines of: “And would you drop the fake accent? You’re from OREGON.”

One of these actors has won multiple academy awards and is co-starring in an awful movie franchise. Let’s see if we can figure out who it is on this week’s: “Guess That Miserable Actor”

It’s weird that they spent all that time and effort building an enormous ship but then used CG to add the bridge onto it.

Valkyrie gets the hammer, or recast Jane Foster (I don’t particularly want Portman back even if she was willing) and she gets the hammer. From their storytelling choices it now makes sense that Thor doesn’t need the power of Mjolnir to “possess the power of Thor” but Mjolnir could still give the wielder his abilities

Why are they worried about water coming into the tunnel? Even if Aquaman wasn’t there couldn’t Barry just run them all out of the tunnel before they even got damp?