
I’m a Giants fan and I legitimately feel bad for Kershaw. And we will never shut up, we’ll just come up with something else.

I’m trying to not watch any of the new trailers, and I know this isn’t one really a spoiler but could we maybe refrain from putting so much new material just in the headline, is it too hard to say he is back in a familiar place and those of us who are trying to go in relatively fresh can skim past quickly. It’s bad

Yeah, can we stop pushing this? She wouldn’t have been reading the old scroll so it was something he clearly had already copied. Her reading it aloud was for the benefit of the audience so that we would know that he had read it already, nothing more.

I do exactly the same thing!

Those perfectly clean white shirts next to all of those potential stains is making me twitch.

The helicarriers and maybe all the shield tech were upgraded to repulsors by at the latest the winter soldier. The helicarriers of that movie all had repulsor engines.

I knew he looked familiar! Holy shit that’s awesome.

Those things all happened in the last 7 months, since the war began.

Someone who doesn’t seem to have had a lot of friends or have had any? roommates might not know that they snore.

One of the first things I said to myself shortly after the episode started was how much the cinematography reminded me of a movie.

My favorite are the people who put 500+ hours into a game and then give it a thumbs down.

That literally might have been what happened. Often times a shows cg might look bad simply because they can’t afford the rendering time/money that higher rez, more realistic lighting, etc. would take.

It’s fun because Sara had a badass moment of throwing a knife toward her boss and saying I quit, and then just knocks a bunch of shit off the shelf on her way out of the room. One of my favorite moments from her.

I think you were looking for this:

Ignore me. Long day.

Edited, Wow I over-reacted to something that wasn’t the header. apologies.

How dare you besmirch the good name of ice cream sandwiches!

Definitely an old E-type Jaguar. Also convenient that she can carry it home when it inevitably breaks down.

Or, now hear me out, Zach Snyder is a terrible director. If he is charismatic in literally every other movie then Snyder’s direction is what lead to that. Since Whedon is doing so many reshoots and in charge from here I’m hoping that he allows Cavill to be charming and dials back the Sepia filter in post.

I literally could not care less about the font choice, I was just explaining what the other person was annoyed with because I rewatched the trailer to see what gurfinki was complaining about.