
If the plane remained truly stationary on the treadmill, I don’t see how lift would be created.

Shouldn’t Torch be introduced in a later movie and shouldn’t he be playing Luke Hobbs?

You can also use the first or second pick and turn it into more picks if you aren’t convinced of the talent of the top players and there are desperate teams. IMO that might be the best use of early picks. Barring that having a stud QB can help bring in free agents. Realistically it just seems like blind luck on

His hammer was destroyed and afterwards he was fighting the Hulk and didn’t die so clearly some of them are intrinsic but we definitely don’t know the extent. At the same time it doesn’t bother me that they haven’t told us explicitly yet because it hasn’t really mattered until now so I figure/hope we will know for

I went to a Hitchcock double feature a few years back at a local movie theater and even having already seen both Psycho and Vertigo they were so much better on the big screen it was insane.

No, they should be Homo Erectus. Homo Sapiens didn’t appear until like 200,000 BCE. That was my first thought when I saw the title as well.

That last sentence is a weirdly meta criticism. The fake story which never happened may have been embellished by the narrator who isn’t real.

Were you excited when the Ky-cago Cubs won the World Series?

Yeah, they sure messed up with Logan...

The footage was only available to the media on hand, that’s what the reply was referring to. Giz would be in a lot of trouble with Disney if they had secretly recorded the footage and uploaded it. The article was just a recap of the footage they saw, no footage is available yet for you to avoid but that’ll probably

It literally has nothing to do with the movie at all.

The guy in the beginning said: “Oh my god this is so nerve wracking! I’m gonna have to use my boost!” I try to avoid making a lot of negative comments but good god that was annoying. No one talks like that, he is hamming it up for the video and it is obnoxious as hell.

I wouldn’t have watched until the end if it weren’t for this comment, so thank you.

Leto’s Joker is imo the single worst adaptation of literally any comic book character in any comic book movie ever. Worse than Doctor Doom in the most recent F4. He’s not menacing or funny or crazy he’s just fucking obnoxious. He’s not in it too terribly much but he ruins every single ounce of good will the movie may

SPOILERS for those that haven’t seen the movie: The more I think about the movie the more I love it. Michael Keaton was absolutely fantastic and he’s up there with Loki in my eyes as the best MCU villains, so happy they kept him alive. Also the scene with him under the the rubble screaming for help and then realizing

Double the budget absolutely does not count advertising, it is the studios share of the profits with the theaters and only applicable for domestic. Worldwide is typically less than the 50% and depending on the market can be as low as 30%.

I don’t want to come off as rude and this isn’t aimed at you in the slightest, but who fucking cares what Rosberg thinks? He lucked into a championship when his faster teammate kept having car issues and then quit. These guys are at least still out there racing. Also, I’m not a Hamilton fan in the slightest, I prefer

No he isn’t. Those numbers were reported in an unsubstantiated news article based off hearsay of the overall budget for two movies at $1 billion.  They then estimated (read: made up) his payday based on his making roughly 1/5 of a budget that Kevin Feige himself said wasn’t accurate. He’s going to make a freaking

I’d say the circumstances of his death are the real spoiler, a non-main character dying in Game of Thrones is just a Sunday. Hell at this point I feel like the only real spoiler is finding out who lives by the end of the series not who dies. I fully expect all but 2-3 of the “main” characters to eat it by the end.

Teams in CA or the Lakers? Ha. Anyways, Warriors fan here fyi, while I think it is an interesting challenge for the Cavs in the east and that parity is terrible between the East and West, part of me feels like he might have made a mistake. Watching the rise of the Warriors and their jump from losing to the Clipppers