
Gah! Thanks, I had somehow never noticed/thought about it and now that is all I will ever see. It’s like the first time someone mentioned the back of the new Ford GT looks like the pigs from angry birds, I cannot unsee!

It took KD and Steph most of the season to truly mesh but by the playoffs they had it figured out and that’s also with Klay. I agree, they’ll figure it out, just my gut is saying it just won’t end up that big of an overall upgrade for the team. Chris Paul could have been the missing piece for a bunch of teams to

Obviously this is anecdotal and just me, but I used to be a fan of his and all this bullshit he pulled has absolutely ruined his legacy for me. And this is from someone who does not root for the Bulls, Lakers or Knicks but also doesn’t hate them either. I loved watching Jordan when I was a kid so I had a pretty big

If you had a enough money to “piss away” $825 on an action figure you’d still have plenty of money leftover to also piss away on Legos.

It’s the same thing that happened to the Blair Witch Project. Everyone I knew loooved it when it came out then 4-5 years later were talking about how stupid they always thought it was. I’m not here saying Blair Witch was good just that people like to be part of the “popular” group so when opinions vary or consensus

Holy shit, I was so focused on watching his wheel fall off I didn’t notice the 30 odd people about 25 feet from the accident with zero protection.

I think Kevin Fiege’s face after she said that is decent evidence.

Seriously, I had a smile on my face while reading the entire article, great stuff.

His hiring gives me hope that he might weave it, or at least a hint of it, into a scene with Batman.

It indeed was.

I don’t see the outfit as racist, but the coins being shaped like nachos...

1995 - 1997 - “Too colorful!!!” (For Batman)

I would as well, but Batman and Robin is neither goofy nor fun. Snyder is a hack but give him a tiny tiny bit of credit, his movies were nowhere near as bad as Batman and Robin. When I was younger I basically loved every movie I saw in the theater because I was such a sucker for the spectacle of going to the movies

I literally never finished Black Flag, spent almost the entire game on the ships and only progressed the story as was necessary to unlock naval stuff. Yeah I didn’t want a MP focused game but I 100% get why they did this as well.

What!? I used to have the x36 and tossed it while cleaning out my old closet at my parents house when they moved. I assumed it was worthless since afaik it hadn’t worked in so long, and it just works on Windows 10? Gah!

The other part that people forget is the crash happened on the turn after the finish line, so he wouldn’t have any reason to try to take the corner fast.

You don’t have to use the storefront or xbox app to launch games, you can treat it the same as installing a physical game if you want, just launch it from an icon or the start menu or linked through steam and it loads directly to the game. It’s not remotely a big deal.

It’s a smart move really, I was never going to buy an XO or XOX but I’m going to buy Forza 7 on PC. They still get their money and I don’t have to spend any extra.

I’d rate that an Alf. And holy shit I had NOT read your name before I typed that.

Like running stop signs. Cyclists please stop running stop signs. A couple years ago down the street from my parents house a cyclist ran a stop sign going down hill and ran into the front fender of a car that was legally entering the intersection. Had a helmet on, but flew over the handlebars and landed on his head.