
That is, once again, what his suit looks like before CG. That’s what it looked like when he wore it in Civil War before they digitally painted the finished suit on. They even had to make note of this exact thing for a website that sells replicas of set worn props because no actor ever wore the helmet from the actual

Enh, I used to get really excited by those stupid fucking stickers vending machines, and I never even put them on my binders. I kept them in a drawer in their cardboard sleeves. Kids are stupid. It’s literally just peer pressure and marketing, same as it ever was.

Agreed. He’s clearly crazy as balls but from everything I have read and heard from interviews with other actors he’s apparently a great guy and a lot of fun to work with. He is also known to be very generous with his time with fans as well. Simon Pegg seems to gush about him at every opportunity.

Yeah, that’s right! Thanks I knew it was something along those lines.

IIRC, back in the day, Greek and Roman times, very large penises were considered vulgar so they always sculpted and painted them small. I swear that came up in an art history class I took but that was a decade ago. Anyone else learn that?

Did she mean less straight as in less heterosexual? Because I seem to recall a scene in the movie where she outright says that, according to the person who wrote the book on female sexuality, Amazons see men as pointless for pleasure. I’m pretty sure having sex with a man has historically been the exception for Wonder

Ugh, it’s not Handball it’s Handegg. Get it right.

I just wished they could have tried for a licensing agreement and named her Iron Maiden.

Well the movies he directed were garbage and this one is apparently really damned good. The only thing we know for sure is he didn’t direct it. Also when I say Snyder BS I am referring to the movies being so overly seriously without any sense of joy.

I mean it is WWI, with trench warfare apparently, so those scenes are at least acceptable to be bleak, but yeah the coloring aspects are a bit off, probably for consistency with those other movies. It was probably in Snyder’s original contract: All movies made in the DCEU most utilize the orange and blue filter for

My favorite part is the positive reviews all say it is joyful and fun, it works because it is nothing like the previous movies. Basically they threw out all the Snyder BS and it is great. Also could be a sign that the new people in charge of the dceu know what they are doing. Too bad it is too late to give the flash

How about no name and just sell the rights back to Marvel.

Am I correct that this is the first DCEU film released that has the new “Comics Chief” in place in a role similar to Kevin Feige?

I just watched gameplay of both and it is waaaay worse on NBA playgrounds. NBA Jam on PS3 was like 2-3 seconds from made basket to inbounds. NBA Playgrounds is anywhere from 4-7 seconds from basket to inbounds. NBA Jam you wait for them to get past the 3 point line and you throw the ball in the moment they get there.

Is it the lighting in the images or is the front bumper on this truck just its radiator?

Volvo, Google and Mercedes have all gone on record saying they would accept liability. It was reported on Jalopnik.

I absolutely loved it. I think the strongest potentially new recurring segment could be Chris Harris vs Sabine Schmitz racing. Having those two legitimate badass drivers squaring off once a series, or twice in a long series, in an interesting and unique event or in different types of vehicles would be unbelievable

Yeah, it wasn’t a bad movie it was just a bad WWZ movie.

I hope this is sarcasm, I can never tell anymore...

I agree with your sentiments, but I’d go a step further and call this car pointless. Isn’t buying an off the shelf drag car the same as bringing a store bought pie to a baking competition?