
These are probably supplements to normal delivery service. Small packages are delivered by drone while the driver delivers the larger and heavier packages. Also who is going to shoot a drone out of the sky to steal packages? That is possibly the worst way to steal packages. For starters making a noise so loud that it

Exactly, he could be like my dad and when he gets a new car he is so excited about it that he reads the manual constantly.

Studios do not get to keep all of the revenue since the end of vertical integration decades ago, people forget that a lot. I’ve mentioned it before on here iirc the rule of thumb is it is between 40-50% of the worldwide dollar value that actually gets back to the studio. Also budgets don’t count marketing which can

If I had to guess I’d say that Luke isn’t Rey’s dad but maybe the daughter of the woman he fell in love with. She brings her daughter to train with the Jedi and they fall for each other. Shortly after kylo shows up and starts murdering, even killing Luke’s lady friend and Luke grabs his last apprentice and hides her.

In his defense he was trying to get one.

The header image makes me really want to see a lunar lander ghost riderified.

Leto was just absolutely appallingly terrible. Every time that I started thinking to myself, maybe this movie isn’t quite that terrible Leto showed up and absolutely ruined any notion of good will. They perfectly sprinkled him throughout the movie to evenly distribute his limited screen time of awfulness and it just

It’s just relatively clever advertisement for a sports bar that shows off the size of the bar and the number of tables it has. I feel duped, duped I say!

It wasn’t two years ago, it is missing a comma. The roll was 5 years ago.

You actually have that backwards. Fox sued Marvel over the show as they own the rights to the X-Men, but lost.

The director almost always has to answer to someone else unless they finance the movie themselves. Person 1 wanted to make movie 1. Person 2 wanted to make movie 2. Rather than compromise both of their visions Person 2 left to work on something else. It seems to me that if it wasn’t casting or budget they just had

Though not as geeky as it used to be, it is the MCU for my family. I’m the only “geek” in my family but we go see all of the movies together and watch all of the Netflix shows.

Yeah, he had a massive change of heart and wants to play cap as long as they’ll let him. The news came out about a year ago so I’m assuming after perlmutter left he had a fantastic time making civil war. Everyone who was rumored to be thinking about leaving suddenly was fine sticking around the moment Perlmutter got

I’m actually more surprised that that guy’s mom let him put such a big sticker on her car.

For the two days before my showtime I used the add-on (star blocker?) that would block pages that mentioned the word star wars or any character names or anything related to it because I knew it was going to happen. I also didn’t use the internet practically at all for the same reason.

Nah, when he isn’t on his show he comes off as way more positive and charming, especially the supergirl crossover episode.

Both, really. They are massively driving up the cost of living so people are bailing but the ones that moved to the city specifically suuuuuuuuuck.

Also why so many people have moved to the east bay and north bay.

Simple solution, you program it to kill the person/people breaking the law. Period.

No, artistic visions and such are exactly the kinds of things that are and should be criticized. Getting your art critiqued by others is one of the only things that makes you a better artist and anyone who says you can’t critique his artistic vision is wrong. Art survives and thrives on critiques.