
It sounds more like his car got grounded for 3 months.

He might already be familiar with him, he’s a pretty big comic book nerd. This is probably a dream come true for him.

I leveled my ret paly literally because of Ashbringer and no other reason. I have wanted Ashbringer for as long as I can remember.

You didn’t even need to add the part about her lying about her age for it to still be a fun fact. Gabrielle Carteris is the president of the SAG-AFTRA. Crazy.

Every conservative person I know who isn’t a racist is not voting for Trump. Double negative FTW.

Can’t emphasize this enough. Random daily dungeon takes 30ish minutes for dps, but selecting the specific dungeon is freaking instant, making finishing those quests a breeze.

Not trying to be rude, but I honestly don’t think you took away from that what they were trying to achieve. The point was that bland music is systemic and typically not the composers fault. Also his Star Trek theme is epic, gives me the chills everytime the horns hit.

It could just be as simple as he is going after Daisy and the Agents of Shield are trying to save her from him. Also they are constantly investigating people with powers, investigating ghost rider is exactly the same thing except just not an inhuman this time around.

This is what I’ve been saying all along, it isn’t about money made, it is about the huge amount they left on the table because they weren’t good.

Oh I agree. I was actively rooting against him in BvS. But again every reason I was rooting against him were decisions made by Snyder as ultimately the director’s job is to tell his actors what to do in a scene. Cavill scowling through the whole movie and yelling threats at Batman in a tone Superman would never use

That’s ultimately Snyder’s fault not Caville’s. I thought Caville was a great choice for Superman the moment he was cast and has been massively misused by Snyder.

Or we could have some perspective here as well:

Getting shot point blank by like 10 dudes without some kind of ear protection is going to MASSIVELY ruin your hearing. I’d argue he needs better ear protection.

The windshield is longer than the frunk, that’s the problem. Everything design wise is perfectly Lamborghini, just need to lengthen the front a bit and it would be absolutely perfect.

It actually is right around 90%.

I finally watched BvS last night, and holy hell was it infuriating to watch, for exactly the reasons you said. There really is a good movie in there, they just decided not to make it for some reason.

Climate change might lead to actual war between India and Pakistan as well, both of which are nuclear powers. And before someone calls me out on it just google it, climate change is considered a bigger threat to Pakistan than terrorism.

No, its budget was around $150 million. The break even is $300 million because studios typically only get 50% of total box office receipts in the US and less than that overseas.

That is the biggest issue with their delivery contractors from what I have gathered. They know they won’t finish delivering their packages (shocking that non-professional delivery people are terrible about managing their time, I know) so they will mark them as attempted delivery but no answer and reschedule delivery

Every single person on earth has an accent.