
According to a quick Google Search the car was publicly unveiled in spring 1983, so it seems not at all unusual that he would have a poster of the new corvette on his wall by the end of 1983.

Oh god please let them do this. That would be amazing. I would be there opening weekend if they did.

I assumed the twist was because this new movie takes place (1944ish?) while segregation was still happening in the US. And being a woman in the 40s wasn’t too wonderful either. WW2 ends: thanks for helping us win the war now fuck off back to the kitchen.

You miss 1 beat and you die.

The only thing DC has done correctly the whole time is casting.

While there is color in a good amount of scenes I was mentally shouting about how washed out half of the scenes still looked. That bottom scene you posted is just washed out with blue instead of grey. Still, the movie looks good, shocking that taking these iconic characters away from Snyder suddenly a good movie

In their defense it was made in the early 90s and they probably thought he looked super cool. Loose fitting suits were still popular back then, whereas super form fitting is the style right now.

I’m legitimately disappointed that I’m not stoned while watching this for the first time.

If he is anything like my super religious friends in high school he’s been having sex the whole time and just lying about it.

This is going to be the new scapegoat that everyone uses when they crash in a Tesla now.

I knew someone when I was in high school who was exactly like this kid. Hell someone else from my high school married a guy that when the pastor told them to kiss after their marriage ceremony, it was his FIRST fucking kiss ever. Which I found fucking hysterical when I was first told that because she was secretly

The logo is the worse offender for me. Whatever happened to subtlety? My sister bought me a shirt years and years ago that says: challenge accepted. Then underneath the quote it says “How I met your mother” completely ruining the shirt. It’s like shouting “get it!?”

A bunch of people have been referring to Dany as his cousin lately so I must have mistaken your comment, apologies. In that case I agree, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jon and Sansa ended up together now.

Daenerys is his Aunt.

Jon Snow isn’t going to fight his aunt, he is going to join her side.

Exactly. I find it odd that this is even being reported on because literally every prop weapon, even a gun, that isn’t actively being used on screen is made of those 3 substances in basically all movies and TV shows ever. This is like being surprised they didn’t use real dragons while filming. Next up: Romeo doesn’t

What ever happened to judging people based on their looks?

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Sorry, the angriest car is the Sauber Mercedes C9. Listen to it shout on the downshift at turn 1.

Wait until we see some actual footage and not just still shots on the set. Often times still photos from a set look completely different than what it looks like after being filmed. It would be very easy to make that place look different just adjusting aperture settings on the camera. Dark scenes in movies are often

Outside of a cameo in the avengers or something I would prefer it that way too. I love the big mcu movies but the 12-13 episode netflix shows are just a better way to do a comic book story.