
Chickens are unbelievably stupid so there is no way this would apply to them anyways.

If a car is absolutely stunningly beautiful and you know you are never going to track it, I personally would prefer the lower horsepower version. Especially if the price difference is like 30-40k, even if you are loaded why waste money? Take that 30-40k and buy an Ariel Nomad.

That, more than anything, is exactly what made this list clearly fake.

They didn’t show the dragon fighting the hundreds of ships and just implied it because even hugely successful TV shows have budgets.

Call me a contrarian asshole, but I want this movie to succeed just to spite Snyder. Granted the trailers don’t look terrible so it has a shot, but I want every one of these movies except those directed by Snyder to be good just so we can get these great characters back from that hack. Granted if we get like an epic

Serious question I haven’t been able to find an answer to with a quick Google search: How safe is drag racing compared to other forms of racing?

How is it possible that it is still too soon?

She’s 19 now but your point still stands.

It wasn’t released in freaking China!

They always give specific yet somehow incredibly vague reasons. I would love to read about a game being delayed and the official reason given is: we weren’t done yet.

Also since vertical integration ended a long time ago, movie studios only make somewhere around 35-40% of total box office take worldwide. So you are actually looking at $300-$350 million without counting marketing, though iirc that figure does take into account distribution costs. Also $ in US receipts earn a higher

If they do I hope all the old writers start their own website. Plus we wouldn’t have all of the garbage cross-posting.

Every award being won by a woman isn’t reverse discrimination it’s simple statistics. Not saying everything is equal, but assuming men and women are equally represented in the category nominations the chances of women winning them all isn’t some huge outlier.

For the first time in my life public transit let’s off literally in front of where I need to go every week and I live just a 10 minute walk from where I get on. It’s wonderful but not a reality for most people unfortunately.

The show would be perfect if it weren’t for Chris Evans, but this new trailer... cautious optimism?

But Battlefield 1 II would just be Battlefield 194... Oh lord I just went cross-eyed.

The rear view of the car is a complete disaster. I’m the first person to call people out for being jerks or for extreme over-reactions to design aesthetics, but this is terrible. That rear 3/4 view in the article is so busy and from that specific angle is one of the ugliest “cars” I have ever seen, though The front

I almost liked the new fantastic four and not for contrary reasons. It was so bad that it was fascinating to watch. The only times I pried my eyes away from the screen were the multiple times I actually rolled my eyes at the movie. I cannot recall ever in my life rolling my eyes at a movie and I did like 4-5 times

Mind... blown.

Chris Evans makes Jeremy Clarkson look like Chris Hemsworth.