
This show should be Matt Leblanc, Chris Harris and Sabine Schmitz with maybe one more to change it up a bit. Have them go on fun adventures and do wacky road tests and test new cars just like the old days. However since all 3 (4?) are really great drivers they could focus on making the times they race each other

Musk actually owns and created those companies though.

I’m really tall so I hate going on planes. The point I think they are making is that even if you are going to the airport and get through fast it is still kind of a lot more steps than board bus, go to sleep. Traveling when you would otherwise be asleep is better than traveling during normal waking hours, and flying

I replayed and beat ff7 last year and it is still fantastic. The visuals are slightly rough but every single other aspect is so great that remaking it with modern visuals would be amazing. Also, I’m not sure I understand the complaint here. If they aren’t as good as we remember shouldn’t remaking them literally be the

Tim Burton refused to read any Batman comics before making the movies. Whether or not you lime the films they are a terrible representation of Batman.

I’m still hoping there is time for them to fire him.

So long as we don’t get ANOTHER fucking movie with the Joker in it I’m ok. Batman has such an amazing rogue’s gallery and we keep getting the Joker over and over again. Hell we’ve had him show up in different forms 5 seperate times even thought he was only supposed to have been played 3 times.

I always assumed that they were slightly misquoted and that they weren’t the ashes of every individual person he killed but the ashes of everyone that he had tortured and killed in the interrogation room. Which could in turn be used for interrogation/intimidation purposes.

Movie studios don’t make 100% of the profits from a film’s box office. People, not saying you, never seem to grasp that. I read somewhere that the actual take home is somewhere near 50% for domestic and 30% for international. It is also why merchandising is so important. That is just a rule of thumb and is stupidly

Also this part: This Superman is not a noble, selfless alien who cannot help but do good in the nick of time. He’s a selfish narcissist whose major failings are all caused by his inability to see himself in relation to the world (which, as the future-telling dream sequence shows, might come to a very destructive head).


He did say to elektra that he was going to stop getting in her way of being herself when they split up the second? time and he kind of stopped doing it after that. Also aren’t the hands regular ninjas immortal too? The autopsy scene kind of implies it so maybe he didn’t care knowing they would get back up eventually.

I have never lived in the woods in my life, and both my dad and my sister have hit a deer in the probably 3 total months we spent vacationing in wooded areas throughout my childhood. They really do come out of no where.

Slow drivers don’t cause most accidents, most accidents are caused by people not driving with the flow of traffic, whether it be too slow or too fast.

Also him attacking Tony in his race car is not a plot hole, he had a plan to attack him by sneaking into the race and when Tony jumped in the car he saw an opportunity to attack so took it. How is a character sneaking in somewhere to attack someone and then attacking them when he gets the opportunity to attack a plot

You can use your feet to lightly brake individual back wheels to act as your steering while riding. That way you don’t have to jump off until you arrive at your destination.

Hey, they said his name maybe once or twice... But yeah the sad truth is you can just throw the entire first one away and follow along fine. Rereading your post you were seeming to imply that, my bad.

He killed quigon...

Funny thing is, being back on a college campus and now in my early 30s, she doesn’t look any younger than half of the girls her age I see walking around. She doesn’t look young as much as I am just older now and no longer attracted to people in that age group as I have aged out of it, kind of a reverse McConaughey