
I think they are saying if you happen to discover something by chance, don’t assume it is the thing that, if real, there would only be 1 of, assume it is the thing we know there are thousands of. They found something and are saying it could be really small and close, but that is boring because we have found a ton of

Not everyone will like everything and there is no need to be weary of expressing it. So many on the internet are contrarian just to be different and are incapable of doing it without saying something is the worst ever. If you aren’t a dick about not liking something most people won’t get defensive.

I’m a full grown man and I think I might have squealed out loud when Fitz was getting down on himself about Simmons of course falling for the big strong brave astronaut and she shouted ”you jumped through a hole in the universe for me.” Not when they kissed but right after she said that line, you’re god damned right

You made 2 mistakes in your recap. Tommy/Nathan’s powers weren’t working because Phoebe was there. He did touch Chuck but he teleported away after touching him so he didn’t take his powers. Also Parkman thought Carlos could be useful because he saw Farah Nazan in his little freakout, the woman who was initially

I figure that he can only take their powers through physical contact and actual concentration now that he is old enough to control his powers properly. Hence why he has to touch people and objects to actually teleport them, his powers manifest through touch. They are keeping him seperate from his sister and other evos

Everyone keeps using the term pre-teen to describe people who are thirTEEN and older. They are young and it is gross but they are officially teenagers.

Am I the only person whose brain autocompleted Andrew Dice as Andrew Dice Clay? Made the article very different in my head at first.

MOST people don’t know anything about Robin other than he was Batman’s sidekick. If you said Red Hood to 95% or more of the population they would think you were talking about a girl being terrorized by a wolf. The movie being good or not has nothing to do with people recognizing the characters from comic books. No one

Childbirth killed Claire because Hayden Panettiere didn’t want to come back even for a cameo.

Full sized candy bars were the holy grail of trick or treating as a kid. You would spend years trying to find the houses that had them though many a child never did. We would carry around extra masks in our halloween bags so we could hit the full size houses twice. The urban myth around my neighborhood was someone a

Great review. I think you sold me on an account reactivation and a copy of the expansion.

I’m not sure I’m sold on the show but I’ll give it a couple more shots. As mentioned in the review above, the whole premise of the show is in Superman’s shadow and while I understand all of the reasoning behind it, even for plot purposes, it still bothered me. The way they were going on made it seem like the only

To this day I am still curious why Chevrolet/GM decided that the new Camaro should look like an old m3 with its hood up.

Fair question, and she very well could be the one he trained initially. For plot purposes though it would be more fun if the first and only person he trained turned to the dark side then is forced to train another, Finn, to fight his original apprentice. Also we are making assumptions that a life long diplomat even

The jedi didn’t come back though. There was literally just one trained and that was it, after yoda dies we were now down 2 real jedi replaced by 1 quickly trained one. Who then has his hand in killing 2 of the final 3 people who used the force. He may try to train one (the bad guy? The bad guy’s master?) and then

Lol, what? First off I’m all for public transit and take it almost every day, but there is no way auto companies are going to stop selling cars traditionally, nor are cars going to sky rocket in price and only be for the super rich. Quadrupling or more the price of a car and selling it to far less than 1% of the

FTA: I’m still not 100 percent clear on why Lincoln knows John.

Automated Dialog Replacement. They loop the specific scene that needs the dialog replaced and the actors get a feel for the cadence and such and keep saying the line until it is sufficiently matched. Yay film classes.

Over 50% of dialog in movies used to be dubbed in later using adr. It is still super common today but I don’t know the number for modern movies. That is how you know the whole thing is bs, you are never “stuck” with audio in a take, especially when the line is said when the character's mouth is partially obscured.

Overreaction is one of the many traits we share with our former owners.