
Would you go to espn’s website if you planned on watching Monday Night Football after it aired? They put the results front and center as well. Hell they put the result as the number 1 headline within seconds of the game ending.

Jessica is the theme song, he was going to change his name to Jennifer not Jessica.

Starred for being almost identical to my experience as well. Preordered as well and I was fucking heartbroken when they moved to Sony, but saved up for a psx and bought one when ff7 dropped. If anything it was ff7 that pushed me into being platform agnostic as it was the first time I had owned two “opposing” platforms.

Is this where I come to complain that a car that I would never consider buying doesn’t have the features I want?

The reddit thread postulated and designed an anal thrust nozzle?

I about died laughing reading this. But now I’m wondering if, when stuck in a pod with air, using one of those handheld electric fans could provide any sort of useful movement?

Video, yes force landscape but pictures taken in portrait are ok. You know, if they are an actual portrait.

Drunk assholes don’t care which neighborhood they attack people in. It happens in all neighborhoods.

The game I always go back to is FFI on NES. I first played it when I was REALLY young when it first came out. I had never played an RPG before so we had no idea how long the game was supposed to be. It took us a couple hours to find and then beat Garland and we were so excited to beat the game... cue the cinematic

That’s my favorite part. Makes it look almost feline.

I personally love it. Opinions and assholes and all that.

I would be so annoyed being forced to stand so far away from the showerhead.

I would be so annoyed being forced to stand so far away from the showerhead.

I’d like to just give the author of the article a little love just for the sheer number of comments he has replied to. Awesome job keeping the discussion going after pushing publish.

And the executive being female matters why exactly?

And it isn’t even correct. VW of today was founded by the British after WW2 using the beetle plans and tooling the Nazis were using to scam the German public. VW never sold a single car to the public under Nazi rule.

No offense but I feel you are looking at this from a pessimistic perspective. I know there is still bias and all that but 4 of the last 5 years has had 60% women winners. And all of that with a group of assholes trying to sabotage things. I think that’s fantastic and despite a couple of odd dips it has tended in the

I assume it is to prevent damage at low speeds, like scraping wheels against a curb while parking.

ILM is headquartered in the Presidio in San Francisco now as well.

Lucasarts and Lucasfilm are/were? based in San Francisco and Skywalker ranch is just across the golden gate bridge so I wouldn’t say no good reason.